ampache / ampache-docker

Ampache docker package
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i have problem (config/ampache.cfg.php #22

Open JeromePark opened 6 years ago

JeromePark commented 6 years ago


im trying to install ampache with aws cloud server(Amazon), but i'm facing the problem in "config/ampache.cfg.php"

(I already installed LAMP) first of all, i installed ampache 3.8.6 version and also composer, i guess this is a newest version. (

secondly, i proceeded smoothly to move ampache files to var/www/html directory.

i connected to ampache installation server with my aws public IP address and i proceeded only step 1.

And now i got trouble in step 2 which is about config...

I saw a lot of advices in google which change the permission (ex. chmod -R 777) and i tried it...

in my ampache/config directory, there are 3 files, ampache.cfg.php.dist, motd.php.dist, registration_agreement.php.dist

i downloaded and moved the other cfg.php file to config directory, but the installation screen doesn't work...

According to the step 2's manual, "If your config/ directory is writable, you can select "write" to have Ampache write the config file directly to the correct location. If you select "download" it will prompt you to download the config file, and you can then manually place the config file in /var/www/html/ampache"

I tried to click 'download' or 'write' also, it does not work either...

Please help me to resolve it i REALLY need help ;(((

Thanks (Sorry about little grammar mistakes, im not good at english...;) )


KacperBak commented 4 years ago

Same here, getting stuck in step 2 of the installer. Error message: "Invalid configuration settings Configuration files were either not found or unreadable"

For the configs:

config/ampache.cfg.php exists?
config/ampache.cfg.php configured?
Screenshot 2019-12-30 at 23 31 01

I used the following command to start the docker Image:

docker run --name=ampache -d -v /Users/kaba/tmp/ampache:/media:ro -p 80:80 ampache/ampache

The volume folder does contain one mp3 album and one large mp3. Best thanks for all help in advance ;-)

lachlan-00 commented 4 years ago

"secondly, i proceeded smoothly to move ampache files to var/www/html directory." @JeromePark it's probably file permissions in the web directory.

i don't know what amazon use but if it's centos your web user is usually apache and if it's debian/ubuntu then your web user is www-data

chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/
chmod -R 754 /var/www/html/
ramiws commented 4 years ago

Same here, getting stuck in step 2 of the installer. Error message: "Invalid configuration settings Configuration files were either not found or unreadable"

For the configs:

config/ampache.cfg.php exists?
config/ampache.cfg.php configured?
Screenshot 2019-12-30 at 23 31 01

I used the following command to start the docker Image:

docker run --name=ampache -d -v /Users/kaba/tmp/ampache:/media:ro -p 80:80 ampache/ampache

The volume folder does contain one mp3 album and one large mp3. Best thanks for all help in advance ;-)

Same here, with same screen shot

electrified commented 3 years ago

I also faced the same issue when using the docker compose file - same as in the above screenshot

The problem was, I was just blindly accepted the default values, so it was trying to use the mysql root user, and not specifying a password. (I thought this would be OK as I thought local socket connections without password are OK?)

Using the username/ password from the mysql startup output succeeded

ampache    | You can now connect to this MySQL Server using:
ampache    | 
ampache    |     mysql -uadmin -pblah -h<host> -P<port>
ampache    | 

So I think the db connection was failing in install_create_config, causing the config file to not be created, but the error message shown didn't mention the db connection failure at all so it was super confusing. :)

FootKaput commented 3 years ago

waaaaaaay late to the party, but ran into this too. I tried a lot of times with docker and got all of the above errors.

The fix? put a copy of ampache.cfg.php.dist in your ./data/config/ folder, and set perms/owner.

$ wget -P ./data/config
$ chown www-data:www-data ./data/config -R

Then proceed as normal. Good luck!

HsuJv commented 2 years ago

I just have a copy of the dist config file

# cp data/config/ampache.cfg.php.dist  data/config/ampache.cfg.php

And chmod 0777 on it and then everything works well.

Matthewaferraro commented 2 years ago

I did a install on centos, using when i got to the install of ampache via URL:install.php I get the above situation and no matter what i do, chose,not chose, copy/add cfg.php , etc it skips step 3 and goes directly to the login page, and i cant login. I cant do a reset admin password via the cfg.php with false /admin because i cant do any admin work because there are no users in browse users so i am denied adding users etc....

any ideas why /what is making it skip step 3 page?? or how to get a admin user in there after creating config cfg.php??

thanks in advance!