ampproject / wg-performance

Monitoring and improving AMP's load and runtime performance for compliant documents. Facilitator: @erwinmombay
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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wg-performance Working Group is responsible for monitoring and improving AMP's load and runtime performance for compliant documents in all formats (Web Stories, AMP Pages, AMP Email, etc). Additionally, this group is responsible for AMP's core runtime, including layout/rendering and data binding.

Facilitator: @erwinmombay


Github team also includes Performance WG members.

Communication Channels

Any bugs or feature requests related to AMP should NOT be filed in this repository and should be used instead.

@ampproject/wg-performance can be used to mention the Performance Working Group in issues and PRs.

Code of Conduct

The Performance Working Group follows the AMP open source project code of conduct.