amwatson / CitraVR

Port of the leading 3DS emulator, Citra — designed for playing 3DS homebrew and personal game backups in 3D on the go with your Quest.
GNU General Public License v3.0
677 stars 59 forks source link

CitraVR (Beta)

Play 3DS homebrew and personal game backups in 3D on the go with your Quest.
CitraVR is a GPL-licensed, engineless OpenXR application with all source code publicly available.

Compatibillty | Releases | Known Issues | How to Install and Run | Building | Discord | Need Help? | Support | License


I originally created this project to a be a proof-of-concept of some techniques XR developers were curious about. Specifically:

A Quest-native (i.e. OpenXR, without a third-party game engine) port of the Citra 3DS emulator Seemed like a great and fun way to demonstrate all these things at once.

The project is still small, but I'm looking for ways to improve it as time goes on.




CitraVR supports the following devices:


For a full list of games that work well on CitraVR, please visit the CitraVR Game Compatability List


Touch Controller Input Bindings Diagram

For games that need access to more inputs, or if a player needs to access more inputs faster, CitraVR also supports a multitude of 3rd party wired USB and wireless bluetooth controllers.


Grab the latest release here

Known Issues

See the CitraVR Known Issues

How to Install and Run


Building for Quest


Join the Flat2VR discord and from there join cvr-join to get access to the CitraVR community and support forums

Need Help?

Please check our Troubleshooting and Known Issues pages to see if your issue is listed. To file a bug report or a feature request, please submit an issue. Otherwise, follow the instructions for Discord and post in cvr-support


Buy me a beer

You can also buy the original (non-VR) Citra project a beer


CitraVR is licensed under the GPLv3 (or any later version). Refer to the LICENSE.txt file.