an-anime-team / aagl-ebuilds

Ebuild Repository for a certain type of anime game
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 2 forks source link

[To Current Maintainers] #27

Open ShinobuNarusaka opened 2 years ago

ShinobuNarusaka commented 2 years ago

Thank you for continuing the gentoo ebuilds and helping people be able to play The Anime Game on Linux

I am very sorry about me basicly leaving the project / abodoning it i have had a lot happen in my personal life recently and i just didn't have free time / was able to continue the project

Thank you for keeping this alive everyone

Schievel1 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for introducing me to this. I always loved maintaining ebuild, but it is very interesting how different it is with an audience that is full of gamers :D

Heads up and if you want to come back, we will always welcome you.