an-anime-team / aagl-ebuilds

Ebuild Repository for a certain type of anime game
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 2 forks source link

+title: Readme

+Author: Pascal Jaeger

+OPTIONS: toc:3

** Migtrating from this repo to the new repository: To remove this repository from your system execute:

+begin_src bash

rm /etc/portage/repos.conf/theanimegame.conf # if the repository was manually added



+begin_src bash

eselect repository disable -f The-Anime-Game # if the repository was added via eselect


And delete the locally stored repository data:

+begin_src bash

rm -rf /var/db/repos/The-Anime-Game


After that add the new repository (for instructions look there). When there is a new version of a launcher, portage will update it from there.

*** With eselect-repository If you haven't already, emerge [[][eselect-repository]] with

+begin_src bash

emerge --ask app-eselect/eselect-repository


Now add the repository with

+begin_src bash

eselect repository add The-Anime-Game git


+begin_src bash

emaint sync -r The-Anime-Game


*** Manually If /etc/portage/repos.conf is a file, add the following lines to that file, if /etc/portage/repos.conf is a directory, add a new file with ~touch /etc/portage/repos.conf/theanimegame.conf~ and put the following into it:

+begin_src bash

[The-Anime-Game] location = /var/db/repos/theanimegame sync-type = git sync-uri = priority = 100


Then sync your local ebuild cache with ~emaint sync -r The-Anime-Game~

** Installing the launcher After adding the repository you can emerge the launcher.

+begin_src bash

emerge --ask games-misc/an-anime-game-launcher


Similarly to install the honkers launcher use the command

+begin_src bash

emerge --ask games-misc/honkers-launcher


** Fixing crash when opening config If the launcher crashes when you click on the little cog wheel to open the config, it is likely because it can not find the folder where different versions of dxvk should be stored. (See also Check if the folder ~~/.local/share/anime-game-launcher/dxvks~ exists and if not, create it with

+begin_src bash

mkdir ~/.local/share/anime-game-launcher/dxvks


To remove the whole repository from your system execute:

+begin_src bash

rm /etc/portage/repos.conf/theanimegame.conf # if the repository was manually added



+begin_src bash

eselect repository disable -f The-Anime-Game # if the repository was added via eselect


Then purge the repository this is done differently, depending on how you installed the repository before.

+begin_src bash

rm /etc/portage/repos.conf/theanimegame.conf # if the repository was manually added



+begin_src bash

eselect repository disable -f The-Anime-Game # if the repository was added via eselect


Now add the new repository according to the instructions in the [[Installation]] section.