an-nadaaa / nda-front

The frontend for An-Nadaa website built with Nuxtjs and Tailwind, backed by Netlify and Netlify CMS
MIT License
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jamstack netlify nuxt nuxtjs tailwindcss

An-Nadaa Frontend

Netlify Status

Live Demo

This repo contains the code of our website frontend.

Technologies Used

Optional extra setup

These extra steps are only necessary if you want to upload large media in Netlify CMS:

This way it doesn't clutter up your repo with large unmanageable files. But do know that it is easier to add later than undoing it later.

  1. Install git-lfs on your computer and remove the # in the project's .gitattributes

  2. Setup Netlify LM by following these steps. (In short: netlify plugins:install netlify-lm-pluginnetlify lm:installnetlify loginnetlify linknetlify lm:setup → commit the .lfsconfig file.)

Project commands

  1. 📦 Install dependencies.
yarn install
  1. 🏗 Run the project for local dev. This will start a hot-reloading server at localhost:8888.
yarn dev:n
  1. 🌌 Build the app for server-side rendered deployment. See more about Universal SSR in the Nuxt.js docs.
yarn build

# And to serve that deployment...
npm run start
  1. ⚡️ Generate a fully pre-rendered static site. See more in the docs.
yarn generate

How we are setup for deployment

  1. Copy and change the .env-file

    • cp .env-example .env
    • Then change the values
  2. Change the value on these lines

    • static/admin/config.ymlsite_url & logo_url
    • content/site/info.jsonsitename, sitedescription & sitelang
    • package.jsonname, description, author & repository.url
    • pages/index.vue — The start page of your new website!
  3. Change colors, favicon, content & content collections

    • Colors are managed in assets/scss/_vars.scss & tailwind.config.js
    • Favicon is generated by @nuxt/pwa. You should change the static/icon.png to something new, and then match the new filename and source in nuxt.config.js under pwa.icon. Replace the preview.jpg as well.
    • Content is managed mainly in local Netlify CMS by going to your /admin, in development mode by double-clicking on a post or by hand in /content
    • Content collections are managed in static/admin/config.yml
  4. Change font

    1. Add/change your font link in nuxt.config.js under You can add a <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> as link: [{ rel: 'stylesheet', href: 'font.css' }], like this
    2. Then append your font name in tailwind.config.js under theme.extend.fontFamily.sans (or other). Like sans: ['Inter', ...defaultTheme.fontFamily.sans]
    3. Then if you've uncommented the included netlify plugin "Subfont" in netlify.toml, it will automatically post-processes your web page to use an optimal font loading strategy.

More info

This project was bootstrapped with create-nuxt-app. There are more detailed explanations of how everything works in the [Nuxt.js docs](§

TODO: migrate to Nuxt3