can be used to compute the probabilities of ranked or unranked phylogenetic gene tree topologies given a species tree under the coalescent process. A ranked tree depicts not only the topological relationship among gene lineages, as an unranked tree does, but also the sequence in which the lineages coalesce. PRANC can also output "democratic vote" (most frequent) ranked or unranked topologies. PRANC can estimate the maximum likelihood species tree with branch lengths from the sample of ranked or unranked gene tree topologies. Greedy consensus tree can be used as a starting tree. Also, trees selected by the minimization of ancient coalescence (MAC) criterion can be used as starting trees.
After downloading the source code, go to SRC directory and type
This will create an executable called pranc, which can be run from BIN with some input options listed below.
Program options:
Option | Description | Input files | Output files |
-rprob | calculates probabilities of ranked gene tree topologies |
-uprob | calculates probabilities of unranked gene tree topologies |
-sym | outputs symbolic probabilities of ranked gene tree topologies |
-rtopo | outputs ranked tree topologies and frequencies of the topologies |
-utopo | outputs unranked tree topologies and frequencies of the topologies |
-write | outputs tree with ranks instead of branch lengths |
-rank_trees | outputs all ranked topologies that share same unranked topology |
-mac | outputs species tree MAC score |
-cons | outputs greedy consensus tree without branch lengths |
calculates ML interval lengths of a given species tree topology |
calculates ML interval lengths of a given species tree topology |
estimates ML species tree given a starting tree (one or more). See the other options below. |
(current version has a bug) estimates ML species tree given a starting tree (one or more). See the other options below. |
All input files should be in the Newick format. All trees are treated as rooted binary trees. We assume an ultrametric species tree (leaves of the tree are all equidistant from the root). The taxon names of gene trees should match the taxon names of the corresponding species tree. User can run PRANC as shown below.
./pranc -rprob <species-tree-file-name> <ranked-gene-tree-file-name> <gene-tree-topology-file-name>
contains one or more ranked gene trees in the Newick format.<gene-tree-topology-file-name>
(optional input file) contains corresponding gene tree topologies (see Examples). ./pranc -uprob <species-tree-file-name> <unranked-gene-tree-file-name>
contains one or more unranked gene trees in the Newick format. ./pranc -sym <species-tree-file-name> <ranked-gene-tree-file-name>
contains one or more ranked gene trees in the Newick format. ./pranc -rtopo <ranked-tree-file-name>
contains one or more ranked trees in the Newick format. ./pranc -utopo <unranked-tree-file-name>
contains one or more unranked trees in the Newick format. ./pranc -write <ranked-tree-file-name>
contains one ranked tree in the Newick format. ./pranc -rank_trees <unranked-tree-file-name>
contains one or more unranked trees in the Newick format. ./pranc -mac <species-tree-file-name> <ranked-gene-tree-file-name>
contains one ranked tree in the Newick format. ./pranc -cons <unranked-tree-file-name>
contains unranked trees in the Newick format. The branch lengths will be ignored if given../pranc -like_nonni <species-tree-file-name> -rgt <ranked-tree-file-name>
./pranc -like_nonni <species-tree-file-name> -rgt <ranked-tree-file-name> -lb 0.001 -ub 6 -tol 1e-10 -tiplen 0.1
./pranc -like_nonni <species-tree-file-name> -ugt <unranked-tree-file-name>
contains ranked trees in the Newick format. <unranked-tree-file-name>
contains unranked trees in the Newick format. ./pranc -like_nni <starting-species-tree-file-name> -rgt <ranked-tree-file-name>
./pranc -like_nni <starting-species-tree-file-name> -rgt <ranked-tree-file-name> -nni 5 -diff 0.1 -startsubset 3 -initsubset 3 -maxsubset 1 -lb 0.001 -ub 6 -tol 1e-10 -tiplen 0.1
./pranc -like_nni <starting-species-tree-file-name> -ugt <unranked-tree-file-name>
contains one or more starting species trees in the Newick format. If all trees have the branch lengths, PRANC will treat the trees as ranked trees and will use them as starting trees. If the branch lengths are not specified in the trees, PRANC will first generate all possible rankings of all trees and then will use obtained ranked trees as starting trees.<ranked-tree-file-name>
contains ranked trees in the Newick format. <unranked-tree-file-name>
contains unranked trees in the Newick format. ./pranc -like_nni_brent <species-tree-file-name> -rgt <ranked-tree-file-name>
./pranc -like_nni_brent <species-tree-file-name> -rgt <ranked-tree-file-name> -nni 5 -diff 0.1 -startsubset 3 -initsubset 3 -maxsubset 10 -rounds 5 -lb 0.001 -ub 6 -tol 1e-06 -eps 1e-06 -tiplen 0.1
./pranc -like_nni_brent <species-tree-file-name> -ugt <unranked-tree-file-name>
contains ranked trees in the Newick format. <unranked-tree-file-name>
contains unranked trees in the Newick format. All input files used below can be found in the BIN folder.
./pranc -rprob st_5taxon.txt rgt_5taxon.txt gtopos_5taxon.txt
Total: 0.146615
outRankGT.txt (probabilities and ranked topologies):
0.0687959 BE-2-ACD-3-CD-4-
0.0685643 ACD-2-BE-3-CD-4-
0.00925435 ACD-2-CD-3-BE-4-
./pranc -rprob st_5taxon.txt rgt_5taxon.txt
Total: 0.146615
outRankGT.txt (probabilities):
./pranc -uprob st_5taxon.txt unrgt_5taxon.txt
Total: 0.146615
outEachRankTopo.txt (probabilities and ranked topologies):
0.0687959 BE-2-ACD-3-CD-4-
0.0685643 ACD-2-BE-3-CD-4-
0.00925435 ACD-2-CD-3-BE-4-
outUnrGT.txt (unranked tree and probability):
((B,E),(A,(C,D))); 0.146615
./pranc -sym st_5taxon.txt gt_5taxon.txt
Total: 0.0687959
outHistProbs.txt (ranked histories and probabilities):
1234 0.000118525
1233 7.12235e-08
1112 0.00373918
1111 0.000909714
outSymbolic.txt (first block shows the probability of the ranked history 1234, second block shows the probability of the ranked history 1233, etc.)
+ (exp(-0*(s1-s2))*1/(1) + exp(-1*(s1-s2))*1/(-1)) *
(exp(-0*(s2-s3))*1/(1) + exp(-1*(s2-s3))*1/(-1)) *
(exp(-0*(s3-s4))*1/(1) + exp(-1*(s3-s4))*1/(-1)) *
+ (exp(-0*(s1-s2))*1/(1) + exp(-1*(s1-s2))*1/(-1)) *
(exp(-0*(s2-s3))*1/(2) + exp(-1*(s2-s3))*1/(-1) + exp(-2*(s2-s3))*1/(2)) *
(exp(-1*(s3-s4))*1/(1)) *
./pranc -rtopo 5taxa_trees.txt
2 t1|t2|t5|-2-t3|t4|-3-t1|t2|-4-
1 t2|t3|t4|t5|-2-t3|t4|-3-t2|t5|-4-
1 t2|t3|t4|t5|-2-t2|t5|-3-t3|t4|-4-
1 t1|t2|t3|t4|-2-t1|t3|t4|-3-t1|t4|-4-
./pranc -utopo 5taxa_trees.txt
2 t2|t5|-t3|t4|-t2|t3|t4|t5|-t1|t2|t3|t4|t5|-
2 t1|t2|-t3|t4|-t1|t2|t5|-t1|t2|t3|t4|t5|-
1 t1|t4|-t1|t3|t4|-t1|t2|t3|t4|-t1|t2|t3|t4|t5|-
./pranc -utopo unrgts.txt
3 t1|t2|-t3|t4|-t7|t8|-t1|t2|t6|-t5|t7|t8|-t3|t4|t5|t7|t8|-t1|t2|t3|t4|t5|t6|t7|t8|-
2 t3|t4|-t6|t7|-t1|t6|t7|-t3|t4|t5|-t1|t6|t7|t8|-t1|t2|t6|t7|t8|-t1|t2|t3|t4|t5|t6|t7|t8|-
1 t1|t2|-t7|t8|-t1|t2|t3|-t6|t7|t8|-t1|t2|t3|t4|-t5|t6|t7|t8|-t1|t2|t3|t4|t5|t6|t7|t8|-
1 t1|t2|-t3|t4|-t5|t6|-t7|t8|-t5|t6|t7|t8|-t3|t4|t5|t6|t7|t8|-t1|t2|t3|t4|t5|t6|t7|t8|-
./pranc -write st_5taxon.txt
./pranc -rank_trees unrgt_5taxon.txt
./pranc -mac st_5taxon.txt rgt_5taxon.txt
./pranc -cons unrgts.txt
./pranc -like_nonni st_5taxon.txt -rgt rgt_5taxon.txt
Negative log-likelihood = 10.0393
The time of the most recent clade is set to 0.1
Optimize branch lengths using L-BFGS method with tolerance 1e-10
Allow the branch length to be in the interval [0.001, 6]
Negative log-likelihood = 4.23458
mse: 5.82943
initial interval lengths
0.299983 0.001005 0.607481
estimated interval lengths
6 1.1754 0.271628
abs difference in interval lengths
5.70002 1.1744 0.335853
outNoNniMLTopo.txt (your estimated branch lengths will be slightly different):
The user may change the default settings
./pranc -like_nonni st_5taxon.txt -rgt rgt_5taxon.txt -lb 0.01 -ub 5 -tol 1e-08 -tiplen 0.1
./pranc -like_nonni st_5taxon.txt -ugt ugt_5taxon.txt
outNoNniMLTopo.txt (your estimated branch lengths will be slightly different):
./pranc -like_nni st_5taxon.txt -rgt rgt_5taxon.txt
The time of the most recent clade is set to 0.1
Optimize branch lengths using L-BFGS method with tolerance 1e-10
Allow the branch length to be in the interval [0.001, 6]
Maximum number of NNI moves: 5
Stop if the difference between log-likelihoods is greater than 0.1
The number of maximum rankings considered of each unranked species tree candidate (default): 2*(Number of Taxa)
The number of initial rankings considered of each unranked species tree candidate (default): Number of Taxa
Starting ranked species tree: ((B:1.488875,E:1.488875):0.300988,(A:1.489880,(C:0.881394,D:0.881394):0.608486):0.299983);
Negative log-likelihood = 4.23458
outWithNniMLTopo.txt (your estimated branch lengths and topology might be slightly different):
The user may change the default settings
./pranc -like_nni st_5taxon.txt -rgt rgt_5taxon.txt -nni 3 -diff 0.1 -startsubset 1 -initsubset 2 -maxsubset 3 -lb 0.0001 -ub 3 -tol 1e-10 -tiplen 0.1
./pranc -like_nni st_5taxon.txt -ugt ugt_5taxon.txt
outWithNniMLTopo.txt (your estimated branch lengths and topology might be slightly different):
./pranc -like_nni_brent st_5taxon.txt -rgt rgt_5taxon.txt
The time of the most recent clade is set to 0.1
Optimize branch lengths using Brent's method with epsilon 1e-06 and tolerance 1e-06
Allow the branch length to be in the interval [0.001, 6]
Maximum number of NNI moves: 5
Stop if the difference between log-likelihoods is greater than 0.1
The number of initial rankings considered of each unranked species tree candidate (default): Number of Taxa
The number of round optimizations (default): Number of Taxa
Negative log-likelihood: 4.23459
outWithNniMLTopo.txt (your estimated branch lengths and topology might be slightly different):
The user may change the default settings
./pranc -like_nni_brent st_5taxon.txt -rgt rgt_5taxon.txt nni 3 -diff 0.1 -startsubset 1 -maxsubset 3 -rounds 3 -lb 0.001 -ub 10 -tol 1e-10 -eps 1e-10 -tiplen 1