anatawa12 / VPMPackageAutoInstaller

An project to install vpm package published in non-official registry with unitypackage file.
MIT License
17 stars 2 forks source link


An project to install vpm package published in non-official registry with unitypackage file.

This project is based on C# reimplementation of vrc-get.

How to use

Editor Plugin

This tool is also available on Booth!

  1. download latest version of installer creator here
  2. Import the unitypackage to the unity project contains package.json
  3. Open VPMPackageAutoInstallerCreator from Window menu
  4. Select package.json
  5. Click Create Installer

Web tool

  1. Open website here
  2. Write config.json
  3. Click create installer


At, you can create VPAI installer unitypackage. All parameters are passed through get param3eter

name required description example
name no The name of unitypackage will be downloaded. {} will be replaced with version nane. (default: installer.unitypackage) AvatarOptimizer-{}-installer.unitypackage
repos[] no VPM repositories to be added. you can specify multiple repositories at once.
repo no Alias of repos[]
package yes Package Name (id) of package the installer is for com.anatawa12.avatar-optimizer
version yes Package version (id) of package the installer is for 0.2.x

For example,{}-installer.unitypackage&repo= will make unitypackage for AvatarOptimizer 0.2.x

Other ways

click to open other ways #### CLI Tool 1. Download latest version of installer creator [here][download-creator-js-latest]. 2. Create config.json 3. Run `node path/to/creator.mjs path/to/config.json path/to/output.unitypackage` or `deno run --allow-net --allow-read --allow-write path/to/creator.mjs path/to/config.json path/to/output.unitypackage` [download-creator-js-latest]: #### Just create unitypackage 1. Clone or [download][download-this] this project (If cloning, ensure submodules are initialized. Windows users: Ensure symlinks are enabled in Git) 2. Execute script to build this tool - `./Assets/InstallerSource/DllBuild\~/` (macOS, Linux) - `.\Assets\InstallerSource\DllBuild~\build-and-copy.ps1` (Windows) 3. Edit config.json at `Assets/com.anatawa12.vpm-package-auto-installer/config.json` 4. Open this project with Unity (if you did, there's no need to relaunch) 5. Left-click on `Assets/com.anatawa12.vpm-package-auto-installer` and click `Export Package` 6. Un-check `Include dependencies` on `Exporting package` dialog. 7. Click `Export...` and save `.unitypackage` to anywhere you want. 8. Share `.unitypackage` with user who want to use your package.

Config format

// in the config file, comment is not supported but for documentation, comment is used here.
  // list of vpm repositories to be added
  // You should list up required vpm repositories for vpmDependencies and their vpmDependencies
  // NOTICE: You should not include vrchat official or curated repositories. 
  //         official / curated repositories are always included in repositories
  "vpmRepositories": [
    // or you can use object form to define headers for the repository.
      "url": "",
      "headers": {
        "x-your-header": "your-header-value-here"
  // List of dependencies to be added. Non-vpm dependencies are not supported.
  "vpmDependencies": {
    // you can use any form of version range supported by VPM such as `^0.1.2`, `~0.1.2`, or `>=0.1.2`
    "com.anatawa12.custom-localization-for-editor-extension": "^0.2.0"
  // by default, beta releases are not allowed.
  // to allow all beta versions in that range, please make this true
  "includePrerelease": false,
  // For advanced usage only. This will suppress the prompt to users if dependencies are already installed.
  // It is strongly recommended you keep this as the default false, otherwise users may be confused why nothing happened.
  // This should only enabled in certain use cases, for example if you are distributing with other assets
  "silentIfInstalled": false,
  // If you want to disallow unity version lower than specific version, you can specify it here.
  // Regardless if this is not specified, unity version will be checked by VPM.
  "minimumUnity": "2022.3"

How this works

This uses InitializeOnLoad attribute to run some script on unpacked unitypackage and on InitializeOnLoad, modifies vpm-manifest.json based on config.json and trigger VPM. Just after modification, this package deletes files & folders of this project based on GUID. GUID of C#, config.json, and com.anatawa12.vpm-package-auto-installer are hard-coded.


To make dll distribution, this project is a little complicated. Here's overview of the files.

  +- com.anatawa12.vpm-package-auto-installer - the folder for unitypackage
  |    +- config.json - the sample config file
  |    `- com.anatawa12.vpm-package-auto-installer.dll (gitignored) - the compiled dll file
  +- InstallerSource - the folder for sorurce code of dll file
  |    +- DllBuild~ - the dotnet sln for build `com.anatawa12.vpm-package-auto-installer.dll`
  |    |   +- - the shellscript to build `com.anatawa12.vpm-package-auto-installer.dll`. there's nothing complicated in this script.
  |    |   |
  |    |   +- Directory.Build.props - global build settings
  |    |   +- VpmPackgeAtoInstallerPrecompiled.sln - the dotnet solution files
  |    |   |
  |    |   +- com.anatawa12.vpm-package-auto-installer.csproj - csproj to build VPAI
  |    |   |
  |    |   +- UnityEditor.csproj
  |    |   +- UnityEditor.Header.cs
  |    |   +- UnityEngine.csproj
  |    |   `- UnityEngine.Header.cs - the fake module of UnityEngine/Editor to build VPMPackageAutoInstaller
  |    |
  |    +- SimpleJson.cs - symlink to SimpleJson~/SimpleJson.cs
  |    +- SimpleJson~ - git submodule
  |    |
  |    +- - symlink to
  |    +- git submodule
  |    |
  |    +- VrcGetCs - C# reimplementation of see README.
  |    |
  |    +- com.anatawa12.vpm-package-auto-installer.source.asmdef - the asmdef for build-time check
  |    +- BurstPatcch.cs - The patch for burst compiler warnings
  |    |
  |    `- VpmPackageAutoInstaller.cs - the main module of VPAI
  `- Tester - the module to test vpm package auto installer. This module includes unit tests

To test this package, you need to run Assets/InstallerSource/ to compile com.anatawa12.vpm-package-auto-installer.dll.