anbotero / deus-ex-human-renovation

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           Deus Ex: HUMAN RENOVATION

                     v1.30 ╘═════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛

If you encounter any problems or have any other feedback, please contact me at the address below.


╒────────────╕ │INTRODUCTION│ ╘────────────╛ Hello, friends! Recently, I, like some of you, decided to play Deus Ex again afters years of having not touched it. As with most easily-modded (and not so easily-modded!) games of similar age, there have been several people who have worked on improving, fixing, buffing, delousing, upgrading, and reworking various aspects of the game. Unfortunately, there was nothing close to an "unofficial patch" (that is, one which fixes problems with the game without making many changes to content) except for "Deus Ex 2.0", a project which was, unfortunately, seeing little work. I downloaded its source, learned how to compile it, and started to figure out how to implement other bugfixes and changes as I saw fit. I ended up noticing many, many, many more issues, mostly minor, as I went along, and attempted to fix them as I saw them. In short, this mod fixes many strange bugs, quirks, and balance issues in Deus Ex, many of which have been fixed in other mods and many of which have not, without significantly altering much of the game's content. The goal is to improve upon the original game without changing its flavor much. Much of the new code is mine, and much of it comes from Shifter and Deus Ex 2.0. Special thanks to Y|yukichigai and Lork for their work on Shifter and Deus Ex 2.0, to Kentie for his DX10 renderer and replacement DeusEx.exe, to whoever is responsible for Deus Ex Enhanced (judging by code comments, he's "DJ", so let's go with that), to to all those responsible for creating Deus Ex in the first place, to Alberto Giuffrida for some Italian language support, and to the players who still care about this game. Extra special thanks to my girlfriend for putting up with me futzing around with this at 5:30 AM instead of going to bed. Extra super special thanks to Corporal Collins on the Liberty Island dock, for being such an incredibly good sport no matter how many times he was shot, stabbed, set on fire, bludgeoned, blown up, drowned, shocked, burnt, erased from existence, knocked out, poisoned, killed, forced to dance, exorcized from his own body, or otherwise inconvenienced by me in order to ensure the proper functioning of this mod.

╒────────────╕ │INSTALLATION│ ╘────────────╛ First, make sure you have the Deus Ex v1112fm patch installed. This is very important, and make sure you install the right one! v1112fm is the multiplayer patch; the singleplayer-only patch won't work. Second, install Kentie's new Deus Ex executable ( from which to run the game. This isn't strictly necessary, but it fixes some problems, has some useful options, and there's just no reason not to. You might also want to check out his DirectX 10 renderer, if you're on Windows Vista or Windows 7, but it's in no way necessary to run this mod. Third, go to the "System" folder of your Deus Ex install directory (most likely C:\DeusEx\System, but may be elsewhere; if you have the Steam version it's probably in "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\deusex\System"). Back up the files "DeusEx.u" and "" (that's ".int", not ".ini"), and replace them with the ones in this package. I recommend backing up the originals in case you want to play original Deus Ex, which would require swapping the files back in and replacing those of this package.

Note: If you play Deus Ex in Italian, a version of the Italian language file updated for this mod is also included. Back up DeusEx.iit and replace it with the version in this mod, just as with DeusEx.u and mentioned above.

╒────────────────╕ │SOURCE/COMPILING│ ╘────────────────╛ I give permission to use any of my code in other projects so long as this readme file is included and you specify, at least to some degree, how much of my code you used and which parts. Bear in mind that this mod has some code from both Deus Ex 2.0 and Shifter, which may have other stipulations regarding the use of their code. The source code itself may be found on the same Google Code project site as given at the top of this file. I've also included Shifter's compile instructions file; the instructions in it should work fine for this mod as well.

╒─────────────────────────────────────────╕ │ │ │ SUMMARY OF CHANGES │ │ │ ╘─────────────────────────────────────────╛

╒─────────╕ │BUG-FIXES│ ╘─────────╛ (present in Deus Ex, Deus Ex 2.0, Deus Ex Enhanced, and/or Shifter)

╒────────────╕ │ENEMIES/NPCS│ ╘────────────╛

╒─────────────╕ │HEALTH/DAMAGE│ ╘─────────────╛

╒───────────────╕ │MISSION SCRIPTS│ ╘───────────────╛

╒──────╕ │SKILLS│ ╘──────╛

╒─────────────╕ │AUGMENTATIONS│ ╘─────────────╛

╒──────────────╕ │FALLING DAMAGE│ ╘──────────────╛

╒───────╕ │WEAPONS│ ╘───────╛

╒─────────────╕ │MISCELLANEOUS│ ╘─────────────╛

╒────────────────╕ │POINTLESS CHEATS│ ╘────────────────╛

╒─────────────────────────────────────────╕ │ │ │ KNOWN ISSUES │ │ │ ╘─────────────────────────────────────────╛

╒─────────────────────────────────────────╕ │ │ │ FIXES FROM SHIFTER │ │ │ ╘─────────────────────────────────────────╛

I've incorporated the following Shifter fixes, none of which are mine (although my implementation might be different, especially where noted). The readme file for Shifter has been included in this package for reference, but much of it will not apply to this mod.

╒─────────────────────────────────────────╕ │ │ │ FIXES FROM DEUS EX ENHANCED │ │ │ ╘─────────────────────────────────────────╛

I've incorporated the following Deus Ex Enhanced fixes, none of which are mine (although my implementation might be different, especially where noted). The readme file for Deus Ex Enhanced has been included in this package for reference, but much of it will not apply to this mod.

╒─────────────────────────────────────────╕ │ │ │ FIXES FROM DEUS EX 2.0 │ │ │ ╘─────────────────────────────────────────╛

Also included are all Deus Ex 2.0 fixes as of the Google Code repository in July 2011, none of these are mine.

Since Deus Ex 2.0 was used as the reference implementation from which I started, I have included in this package a verbatim copy of that mod's Fixes.txt file; note that some of those changes may be affected by my changes stated above, and I can't vouch for that file's completeness or accuracy. "+" indicates a fix, "/" indicates a partial fix, "-" indicates something that wasn't fixed, and "?" indicates something they didn't fix yet and were unsure about, because consensus had not been established concerning whether or not it should be.