andersevenrud / nordic.nvim

A nord-esque colorscheme for neovim
MIT License
174 stars 12 forks source link
colorscheme lua neovim nord nvim


A nord-esque colorscheme.

nordic.nvim supports highlighting for Treesitter, Neovim LSP, Telescope, and much more.

Color Preview



nordic.nvim can be installed using any package manager and configuration language of choice.

With packer.nvim

packer.nvim provides an easy way to install, enable and configure this colorscheme:

use {
    config = function()
        -- The table used in this example contains the default settings.
        -- Modify or remove these to your liking (this also applies to alternatives below):
            -- Underline style used for spelling
            -- Options: 'none', 'underline', 'undercurl'
            underline_option = 'none',

            -- Italics for certain keywords such as constructors, functions,
            -- labels and namespaces
            italic = true,

            -- Italic styled comments
            italic_comments = false,

            -- Minimal mode: different choice of colors for Tabs and StatusLine
            minimal_mode = false,

            -- Darker backgrounds for certain sidebars, popups, etc.
            -- Options: true, false, or a table of explicit names
            -- Supported: terminal, qf, vista_kind, packer, nvim-tree, telescope, whichkey
            alternate_backgrounds = false,

            -- Callback function to define custom color groups
            -- See 'lua/nordic/colors/example.lua' for example defitions
            custom_colors = function(c, s, cs)
              return {}


For example vim-plug:

Plug 'andersevenrud/nordic.nvim'

Using Lua

Via the nordic.nvim module:

    underline_option = 'none',
    italic = true,
    italic_comments = false,
    minimal_mode = false,
    alternate_backgrounds = false

or via vim globals:

vim.g.nord_underline_option = 'none'
vim.g.nord_italic = true
vim.g.nord_italic_comments = false
vim.g.nord_minimal_mode = false
vim.g.nord_alternate_backgrounds = false
vim.cmd('colorscheme nordic')

Using Vimscript

let g:nord_underline_option = 'none'
let g:nord_italic = v:true
let g:nord_italic_comments = v:false
let g:nord_minimal_mode = v:false
let g:nord_alternate_backgrounds = v:false
colorscheme nordic


Certain plugin highlights are configured manually with Lua tables. This colorscheme comes with some pre-made configurations and instructions.