andersnm / ExcelNumberFormat

Parse and render Excel number format strings
MIT License
79 stars 27 forks source link


.NET library to parse ECMA-376 number format strings and format values like Excel and other spreadsheet softwares.

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Install via NuGet

If you want to include ExcelNumberFormat in your project, you can install it directly from NuGet

To install ExcelNumberFormat, run the following command in the Package Manager Console

PM> Install-Package ExcelNumberFormat


var format = new NumberFormat("#.##");
Console.WriteLine(format.Format(1234.56, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));


Formatting .NET types

The Format() method takes a value of type object as parameter. Internally, the value is cast or converted to a specific .NET type depending on the kind of number format:

Format Kind Example .NET type Conversion strategy
Number 0.00 double Convert.ToDouble()
Fraction 0/0 double Convert.ToDouble()
Exponent #0.0E+0 double Convert.ToDouble()
Date/Time hh\:mm DateTime ExcelDateTime.TryConvert()
Duration [hh]\:mm TimeSpan Cast or TimeSpan.FromDays()
General General (any) CompatibleConvert.ToString()
Text ;;;"Text: "@ string Convert.ToString()

In case of errors, Format() returns the value from CompatibleConvert.ToString().

CompatibleConvert.ToString() formats floats and doubles with explicit precision, or falls back to Convert.ToString() for any other types. ExcelDateTime.TryConvert() uses DateTimes as is, or converts numeric values to a DateTime with adjustments for legacy Excel behaviors.
