andir / nix-vulnerability-scanner

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Nix Vulnerability Scanner

Provides information aobut the current and past vulnerabilities within NixOS/Nixpkgs channels.

My instance of this is available at


You can just build the attrtibute nix-vuln-scanner to build the actual project. My hydra usually publishes binary artifacts fro nixos unstable and the currently pinned checkout. You can use the below command to use the binary cache.

nix-build -A nix-vuln-scanner \
    --option substituters "" \
    --option trusted-public-keys "zeta:9zm3cHRlqz3T9HnRsodtQGGqHOLDAiB+8d0kOKnFI0M="


For development I recommend using nix-shell or direnv. Compilation can be done through cargo build as usual.

The web component of the project requires a few static files to be present in static/. The files are managed with Nix and during a normal build they'll be provided to the package. To build it manually (using cargo/rustc) you will have to copy them to static/ manually like below.

cp -rv $(nix-build -A staticFiles --no-out-link)/* static/