andreaalf97 / ing-sw-2019-Alfieri-Carrioli-Ceruti

Adrenalina: the digital remake of a board game
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Prova Finale Ingegneria del Software 2019

Gruppo AM29

This final project was made between March and July 2019 as our final thesis project at Politecnico di Milano.
Final score was 30 cum laude / 30 ( A+ )

How to start JARs

You can find them under "Deliverables/Final Deadline/JARs"


Just download it and use

java --module-path PATHTOJAVAFX --add-modules=javafx.controls,javafx.fxml, -jar GUI.jar YOURIP


Download it and use

java -jar CLI.jar YOURIP


Download it and use

java -jar SERVER.jar YOURIP

Where YOURIP is the IP of the computer which is running the Jar. If you lunch the jars on different PCs, all IPs will be different. You will be asked the Server IP once the jar has been launched correctly.

PATHTOJAVAFX is the path to JavaFX 12 (the lib folder!!) and changes depending on where you saved your JavaFX on your PC.

Testing persistence and reconnection

When reconnecting, remember to vote for the same map the game was being played on before disconnection!

Functionality State
Basic rules GREEN
Complete rules GREEN
Socket GREEN
Multiple games GREEN
Persistence GREEN
Domination or Towers modes RED
Terminator RED