andreacfromtheapp / chuck-nvim

nvim => dac;
GNU General Public License v2.0
3 stars 1 forks source link
chuck chuck-lang chuck-language live-coding neovim-plugin


A Neovim plugin for ChucK offering granular control and a WebChucK-like layout built with NUI.

An example session recorded with asciinema. For some reason colors were not recorded. The UI looks like this


Temporary features


To use chuck-nvim, you need to have:

Installing ChucK

To download and install ChucK, visit the official ChucK release page. For more information, including documentation, examples, research publications, and community resources, visit the ChucK homepage.


brew install chuck

Installing chuck-nvim


  version = "*",
  dependencies = {
    { "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim" },
    { -- until
      opts = {
        override_by_extension = {
          ["ck"] = {
            icon = "󰧚",
            color = "#80ff00",
            name = "ChucK",
  ft = { "chuck" },
  opts = {}, -- see configuration
  cmd = {
  keys = {}, -- see key mappings


chuck-nvim options to configure this plugin, and a subset of ChucK VM's command-line options.

-- default values:
opts = {
  autorun = false,
  layout = "webchuck", -- or "chuck_on_top"
  chuck_vm = {
    log_level = 1,
    srate = 44100,
    bufsize = 512,
    dac = 0,
    adc = 0,
    channels = 2,
    input = 2,
    output = 2,
    remote = "",
    port = 8888,


chuck-nvim provides the following functions to interact with the ChucK VM.


Starts ChucK in loop mode with chuck --loop using the configuration values.

[!TIP] You can enable autorun to launch ChucK and the UI automatically.


Prints current time and active shreds status in the ChucK VM.


Prints the ChucK VM's full time information in the ChucK VM.


Adds the current saved buffer to the ChucK VM, as an active shred.

[!NOTE] You must save file changes beforehand.


Prompts the user for shred(s) number(s), then removes them from ChucK.

[!TIP] To remove more than one shred, enter the numbers separated by spaces.


Prompts the user for a shred number, then replaces it with the current buffer.


Removes all active shreds.


Removes all active shreds and resets the type system.


Cleanly exits the VM, cleans out logs, and quits ChucK.

Key mappings

chuck-nvim doesn't set any key mappings by default. Below, an example configuration for LazyVim.

[!WARNING] Make sure these don't conflict with existing mappings.

[!TIP] You could map the commands to function keys to speed up operations.

return {
    opts = {
      defaults = {
        ["<leader>C"] = { name = "+chuck" },
    version = "*",
    dependencies = {
      { "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim" },
      { -- until
        opts = {
          override_by_extension = {
            ["ck"] = {
              icon = "󰧚",
              color = "#80ff00",
              name = "ChucK",
    ft = { "chuck" },
    opts = {},
    cmd = {
    keys = {
      { mode = "n", "<leader>Cl", "<cmd>ChuckLoop<cr>", desc = "Chuck Loop" },
      { mode = "n", "<leader>Cs", "<cmd>ChuckStatus<cr>", desc = "Chuck Status" },
      { mode = "n", "<leader>Ct", "<cmd>ChuckTime<cr>", desc = "Chuck Time" },
      { mode = "n", "<leader>Ca", "<cmd>ChuckAddShred<cr>", desc = "Add Shred" },
      { mode = "n", "<leader>Cd", "<cmd>ChuckRemoveShreds<cr>", desc = "Remove Shred(s)" },
      { mode = "n", "<leader>Cr", "<cmd>ChuckReplaceShred<cr>", desc = "Replace Shred" },
      { mode = "n", "<leader>Cc", "<cmd>ChuckClearShreds<cr>", desc = "Clear Shreds" },
      { mode = "n", "<leader>Cv", "<cmd>ChuckClearVM<cr>", desc = "Clear VM" },
      { mode = "n", "<leader>Ce", "<cmd>ChuckExit<cr>", desc = "Exit ChucK" },


The code of this repository is licensed under the GPLv2 for compatibility with ChucK licensing.