andreasplesch / aframe-keyframes-component

keyframe interpolation for aframe
MIT License
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Version License

A-Frame animation with multiple frames and timing keys.



old design:!/holy-word?path=index.html:48:29

new design:

all of the a-animation attributes as string properties to transfer plus


The keyframes component animates a target property of another component of the entity, in much the same way as the a-animation element. In fact, its implementation reuses the a-animation element. Apart from providing a component interface to animation, the main motivation for the keyframes component is the ability to define multiple frames for an animation sequence where each frame is tied to a timing key. The timing keys define the relative speed of the animation as it progresses from frame to frame.

As background it is helpful to understand that the keyframes component is strongly inspired the X3D Interpolation component which uses keys and keyValues as a (waitforit) key ( ;) ) component.

Here are a few (untested) examples:

<!-- using a-animation -->
<a-box position="0 2 -5" rotation="0 45 45" scale="2 2 2">
  <a-animation attribute="position" dur="2000"
          to="0 2.2 -5">
<!-- using keyframes-->
<a-box position="0 2 -5" rotation="0 45 45" scale="2 2 2"
  keyframes="attribute: position; dur: 2000; 
             to: 0 2.2 -5">
<!-- using a-animation -->
<a-box position="0 2 -5" rotation="0 45 45" scale="2 2 2">
  <a-animation attribute="position" direction="alternate" dur="2000" repeat="indefinite"
          to="0 2.2 -5">
<!-- using keyframes-->
<a-box position="0 2 -5" rotation="0 45 45" scale="2 2 2"
  keyframes="attribute: position; dur: 2000; repeat: indefinite; 
             to: 0 2.2 -5, 0 2 -5">
<!-- using keyframes, first leg faster -->
<a-box position="0 2 -5" rotation="0 45 45" scale="2 2 2"
  keyframes="attribute: position; dur: 2000; repeat: indefinite; 
             to: 0 2.2 -5, 0 2 -5
             keys: 0, 0.1, 1">
<!-- using keyframes, first leg faster, animate two properties -->
<a-box position="0 2 -5" rotation="0 45 45" scale="2 2 2"
  keyframes__pos="attribute: position; dur: 2000; repeat: indefinite; 
             to: 0 2.2 -5, 0 2 -5;
             keys: 0, 0.1, 1"
  keyframes__scale="attribute: scale; dur: 2000; repeat: indefinite; 
             to: 4 3 2, 2 2 2;
             keys: 0, 0.1, 1">             


Also see:

Property Description Default Value
attribute Attribute to animate. To specify a component attribute, use syntax (e.g., light.intensity). rotation
begin Event name to wait on before beginning animation. None
delay Delay (in milliseconds) or event name to wait on before beginning animation. 0
direction Direction of the animation (between from and to). One of alternate, alternateReverse, normal, reverse. Ignored for multiple value to arrays. normal
dur Total duration in (milliseconds) of the animation. 1000
easing Easing function of the animation. See Aframe animation documentation. The default here is changed from 'ease' to 'linear'. linear
end Event name to wait on before stopping animation. None
fill Determines effect of animation when not actively in play. One of backwards, both, forwards, none. forwards
from Starting value. CUrrently required for color animation. Current value.
repeat Repeats after initial iteration or indefinite. 0
to Sequence of comma separated values. Must be specified. Current value.
keys Sequence of comma separated, increasing timing keys between 0 and 1. The number of keys should equal the number of to values plus one. 0, 1
interpolation Interpolation function to compute intermediate values. One of linear, catmullrom or bezier linear

Most of the properties and their default values correspond one to one to a-animation properties.

delay: An animation starts after an optional delay. The relative time considered for keys starts after the delay.

direction: The direction property is ignored when there is more than one to values given. To achieve the same effect in this case in a more controlled fashion, it is recommended to explicitly define frames for a full animation cycle (see example above).

dur: The dur property gives the duration of the total animation from start to finish. The durations of each frame as defined by the keys sequence is relative to this total duration.

easing: The easing property default is changed from the a-animation default value of 'ease' to 'linear' to avoid initial confusion with key defined animation speeds.

to: The to value can be a single value or a sequence of comma separated values. The value can be a scalar, a vector, a boolean, or a color (see AFRAME animation documentation) and needs to be of the appropriate type for the animated property. In the single value case, the component replicates the a-animation element's functionality. In the multiple value case, the component interpolates piecewise from value to value (frames), linearly by default. The timing of when each value is reached can be controlled by the keys property.

keys: Each key in the keys is a relative time when a corresponding to value is reached. A key of 0 corresponds to the start of an animation cycle, and a key of 1 corresponds to the end. The first key (usually 0) is the relative time when the from value is used in the animation. Subsequent keys then correspond to to values in sequence. For a well defined animation sequence there should be a key for each to value plus one for the initial from value. If there are more keys than to values, the excess keys are ignored. If there are too few keys, the missing keys are assumed to be 1. Keys need to be given in monotonically increasing sequence. If not, they are sorted according to their numerical value, changing their ordering.

interpolation: By default interpolation between frames is linear, eg. a straight line in the case of coordinate interpolation. However, it can be convenient to and TWEEN does allow other types of interpolation (TWEEN). For example, a CatmullRom interpolation will provide smoothed corners in the case of coordinate interpolation. Another potential use is slerp for rotations which is a TODO.

Multiple properties can be animated by giving the entity multiple keyframes components. AFRAME supports this case but requires a __suffix to be added to each keyframes component instance attribute name, for example keyframes__color.



Install and use by directly including the browser files:

  <title>My A-Frame Scene</title>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>

    <a-box position="0 2 -5" rotation="0 45 45" scale="2 2 2"
      keyframes__pos="attribute: position; dur: 2000; repeat: indefinite; 
             to: 0 2.2 -5, 0 2 -5;
             keys: 0, 0.1, 1"
      keyframes__scale="attribute: scale; dur: 2000; repeat: indefinite; 
             to: 4 3 2, 2 2 2;
             keys: 0, 0.1, 1">             



Install via npm:

npm install aframe-keyframes-component

Then require and use.
