andrelandgraf / laravel-docker

A walking skeleton for a web app using laravel 5.6 and docker.
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This is a walking skeleton web app for both development and production, using:

If you are looking for the community project of laravel + docker, have a look at laradock.
Also, this medium post helped me a lot to get started but watch out as it is not up to date anymore.

For a quick overview about Laravel and Docker, check out this wiki page.


Feel free to get inspired and more importantly provide your feedback on structure and style. I'm more than happy to learn how to improve my code and architecture.


! following guide does not work the same way for Windows !

Install docker and docker-compose

apt-get install
apt-get install docker-compose

Clone this repository

git clone

AND cd laravel-docker inside the project folder.

Install composer packages

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app composer/composer install --ignore-platform-reqs

This will run the offical composer docker container, execute composer install and than remove the docker container again.
--ignore-platform-reqs mutes errors that might arise from the composer image's own php version, see:

Start the development environment for the first time

Start the docker containers

docker-compose up

Access the app container that runs the laravel application

docker-compose exec app echo "Hello World!"

Access the bash and keep it running

docker-compose exec app bash -b

This eliminates the need to write docker-compose exec app everytime. Nevertheless, this guide will further add the docker-compose command to signal that you might want to run the command inside the docker container.

Grant Laravel writing rights

docker-compose exec app chmod -R o+rw ./bootstrap ./storage

Set up your .env file

docker-compose exec app cpp .env.example .env

Install the npm_modules

docker-compose exec app npm install

Npm and node are already installed inside the container.
See the package.json file to check what packages will be installed by npm.

Setting up Git - Commit - ESLint

If you use PhpStorm:

Add the file .git/hooks/commit-msg and paste following code inside:

files=$(git diff --cached --name-only | grep '\.jsx\?$')

# Prevent ESLint help message if no files matched
if [[ $files = "" ]] ; then
  exit 0

for file in ${files}; do
  git show :$file | ./node_modules/.bin/eslint $file
  if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then

if [[ $failed != 0 ]] ; then
  echo "🚫🚫🚫 ESLint failed, git commit denied!"
  exit $failed

This prevents bad JS code to get commited. -> Fix ESLint errors and try to commit again. IF the hook is not working, try: chmod +x commit-msg

You can run ESLint on the terminal like that: ./node_modules/.bin/eslint myFile.js

Application key - Setting up laravel after docker-compose up

docker-compose exec app php artisan key:generate

This has to be done only once.

No need for "docker-compose exec app php artisan optimize" anymore, see:

Use the Artisan CLI to set up the database schema

docker-compose exec app php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

Artisan is the built-in CLI of laravel and provides you with a bunch of useful commands.

Working with PhpStorm

Install the Laravel Plugin

Configure Docker Compose

  1. Click on Edit Configurations... (next to the Play/Run Button)
  2. Click New (The New button), create a new Docker Configuration
  3. Select the compose file: ./docker-compose.yml
  4. Apply changes and select the configuration and run (Play/Run Button) for "docker-compose up"

Add the Data Source

  1. Make sure docker-compose up is running
  2. Go to View > Tool Windows > Database
  3. Click New (The New button), point to Data Source, and then choose MySQL (MariaDB).
  4. Set the host name to local, port to 33061, database and user names to homestead, and set password to secret
  5. If necessary, download the driver and test the connection.
  6. For more information see the jetbrains documentation.

Enable ESLint

ESLint is na open source project and provides a pluggable linting utility for JavaScript. It will throw errors and warnings according to the defined rules in the .eslintrc file.

You cannot commit files that still have ESLint errors. See #13 for more information

Make sure ESLint is enabled: File > Settings > Languages & Frameworks > JavaScript > Code Qualitity Tools > ESLint to receive the warnings within the IDE.

Enable EditorConfig

The file .editorconfig describes project wide rules for code styles. Make sure you have the Plugin EditorConigh installed and enabled.

  1. File > Settings > Plugins > look for EditorConfig and install it.
  2. File > Settings > Editor > Code Style > Enable EditorConfig support

Working with the development environment

docker-compose up

This command starts all three containers.

Check the containers

docker ps

The Web Application

Afer docker-compose up you can access the local web app via: http://localhost:8080/

Work within the container

This will open a bash within the docker container so you can interact with php artisan and other dev tools.

docker-compose exec app bash -b

For example use php artisan tinker to work with your database like follows:

root@dockercontainer:/var/www# php artisan tinker
>>> App\Pizza::count()
=> 10
>>> App\Pizze::all()
=> ...

Let Wepback watch any changes

docker-compose exec app npm run watch

This will run the watch-script specified within the package.json. Wepback will compile any new changes to your js and css/scss files and put them into the /public folder.

Start Production Environment

Edit dockerfile

# check the current WORKDIR with:
RUN pwd