andres-canello /

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NOTE: I'm implementing the commands in this module into Microsoft's Entra PowerShell Beta module \ Once I finish, I'll flag this module as deprecated.\ These are the commands already implemented in Entra PS Beta:\ \ Get-GSAPrivateAccessAppNetworkSegment -> Get-EntraBetaPrivateAccessApplicationSegment\ New-GSAPrivateAccessAppNetworkSegment -> New-EntraBetaPrivateAccessApplicationSegment\ Remove-GSAPrivateAccessAppNetworkSegment -> Remove-EntraBetaPrivateAccessApplicationSegment\


This is a community-supported PowerShell module which simplifies managing Entra Private Access apps. The module calls the Graph API endpoints to perform common operations. Please contribute and report issues.

Here are some commands to try:

Download the module and import it

Import-Module "C:\Git\\\"

Connect the module to the Entra tenant.


Get all the Private Access apps or a single one (use the App object id, no Service Principals)


Get-GSAPrivateAccessApp -ObjectID 6e8e602b-466e-446c-99fa-ac4151748628

Get all the network segments for an app, or a specific app segment

Get-GSAPrivateAccessAppNetworkSegment -ObjectID 6e8e602b-466e-446c-99fa-ac4151748628

Get-GSAPrivateAccessAppNetworkSegment 6e8e602b-466e-446c-99fa-ac4151748628 -NetworkSegmentID 05b319f5-1e5b-48f3-95b4-f78cf010fdbf

Get the app and pipe the result to get all the app segments

Get-GSAPrivateAccessApp 6e8e602b-466e-446c-99fa-ac4151748628 | Get-GSAPrivateAccessAppNetworkSegment

Get an app and create a new app segment

Get-GSAPrivateAccessApp 6e8e602b-466e-446c-99fa-ac4151748628 | New-GSAPrivateAccessAppNetworkSegment -DestinationHost -Ports 22 -Protocol tcp

Add an IP range app segment

Get-GSAPrivateAccessApp 58c59e74-5b92-4578-bef5-36b86ac97f0a | New-GSAPrivateAccessAppNetworkSegment -Ports 10000-16000 -Protocol tcp,udp -DestinationHost -DestinationType ipRange

Remove an app segment

Remove-GSAPrivateAccessAppNetworkSegment -ObjectID 6e8e602b-466e-446c-99fa-ac4151748628 -NetworkSegmentID 6e8e602b-466e-446c-99fa-ac4151748611

Get a connector

Get-GSAConnector -ConnectorID '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'

Get all connectors in a connector group

Get-GSAConnector -ConnectorGroupID '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'

Get all connector groups


To assign users/groups to apps, you can use the following Graph command:

Example: ...

Assign the values to the variables

$userId = "<Your user's ID>" $app_name = "<Your App's display name>" $app_role_name = "" $sp = Get-MgServicePrincipal -Filter "displayName eq '$app_name'"

Get the user to assign, and the service principal for the app to assign to

$params = @{ "PrincipalId" =$userId "ResourceId" =$sp.Id "AppRoleId" =($sp.AppRoles | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -eq $app_role_name }).Id }

Assign the user to the app role

New-MgUserAppRoleAssignment -UserId $userId -BodyParameter $params | Format-List Id, AppRoleId, CreationTime, PrincipalDisplayName, PrincipalId, PrincipalType, ResourceDisplayName, ResourceId ...