andresdelcampo / GameList_Editor

This repository intends to contribute to GameList Editor development and bring it back to life with the latest systems, etc.
GNU General Public License v3.0
35 stars 0 forks source link
batocera editor gamelist gamelist-xml recalbox retropie screenscraper

GameList Editor 2023 is here!

This repository intends to contribute to GameList Editor development and bring it back to life as NeeeeB is not planning to build it anymore and it is no longer scraping or recognizing new systems.

GameList Editor is now in the best shape it ever had!

NOTE: On high resolution screens you may want to right click on Properties in GameListEditor.exe, click on Compatibility, Change high DPI settings button, mark Override high DPI scaling behavior... to System (dropdown). Ok and Ok.

Requirement Warning It requires Windows Media Player installed. If you see an error message EOleSysError / Class not registered when launching, please check

Quickstart for New users:

GameListEditor1 GameListEditor2

Info for developers / contributors:

There are some very significant changes to the inner workings of GameList Editor as most of the tooling was 5+ years old and in many cases obsolete.

Original readme

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NOTE: NeeeeB is no longer supporting the project. The fork is now supporting it and keeping it up to date with newer systems and additional features.

GameList Editor is a tool written in Delphi(Windows only but Wine compatible) to help the edition of gamelist.xml files generated from UXS for Recalbox or Retropie.

GameList Editor est un outil écrit en Delphi(Windows uniquement mais compatible Wine) vous permettant d'éditer facilement vos gamelist.xml Recalbox ou Retropie créés par UXS.

It relies heavily on the fact that your gamelist.xml have been generated by Universal XML Scraper by Screech:

Il dépend fortement du fait que vos gamelist.xml aient été générés par Universal XML Scraper par Screech:

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Basic features are :

Options de base :

Screenshots :

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There are also 16 themes available in the tool, pick the one you prefer in the options !!

Vous pouvez choisir votre thème préféré dans les options entre 16 différents !!

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Examples of themes :

Exemples de thèmes :

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For users (Pour les utilisateurs) :

All you need is the package available in the release section.

Just unzip and you're good to go !!

This is a beta version for the moment, many features will be added in the future but it is already pretty fast. (It loads my 5 systems with almost 3000 games in less than a second). Loading of gamelist.xml will be slower if you do it directly from your Raspberry (depends on your connexion mostly).

Tout ce dont vous avez besoin, c'est du package disponible dans la section "release".

Dézippez, et c'est parti !!

C'est une version Béta pour le moment, d'autres options seront ajoutées par la suite mais l'outil est déjà plutôt rapide. (Il charge mes 5 systèmes avec quasiment 3000 jeux en moins d'une seconde). Le chargement des gamelist.xml sera un peu plus lent depuis votre Pi (dépend essentiellement de votre connexion).

Support is available here :

Le support est disponible ici :

Prérequis/Prerequisites Wine :

For Developers (Pour les développeurs) :

It is developed with Embarcadero 10.2.1 (Tokyo) but it has been tested and builds too on Embarcadero 10.1 (Berlin). All you need is the source code, and the Resources folder to be placed in the same directory as your .exe file. You also need to put the plink.exe in the resources folder.

L'outil est développé en Delphi avec Embarcadero 10.2.1 (Tokyo) mais il a été testé avec Embarcadero 10.1 (Berlin). Vous avez uniquement besoin du code source et du dossier resources placé dans le même répertoire que l'exécutable. Vous devrez également ajouter plink.exe dans le dossier resources