andrewblake1 / WorksManagement

Project/Works management system for Northpower's Westcoast Energy
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Material Group showing against task but not against Citipower Assembly #407

Closed hawea closed 10 years ago

hawea commented 10 years ago

Hi Andrew,

  1. To view bug, please click on this link:
  2. Notice how the first item in the list is a material group
  3. Now go to the Material Group tab of the assembly which the material list has been drawn from:
  4. You can see it's blank????
andrewblake1 commented 10 years ago

This in itself does not show a bug. The first thing u need to do is also confirm that the material group does not come from the task template. Have just checked and it doesn't appear to.

Next I need to know should it be there or shouldn't it? I.e. which part is the error?

Where has it gone wrong? Has something been created then deleted? Is the error repeatable?

Have tried to call but can't get thru. Am awaiting further info.

andrewblake1 commented 10 years ago

@hawea check resolved as below and close.

The problem was as explained over phone - a material group had been deleted from the assembly.

This hilited an issue with the current design - being that if we were just to hide deleted items then the item would have been removed from all existing tasks - created prior to the deletion from the assembly - but only where a selection hadn't been made. This could cause confusion. This occurred becuase a tasktomaterial record did not exist until it was selected.

In the new solution this has been resolved, and though a tasktomaterial record does not exist until created we now create a tasktomaterialtoassemblytomaterialgroup record when an assembly is attached and similar from templates when task is created.

There are several tests needed to verify the solution:

for each of materials and assemblies, attached via template and assembly, ensure that that the groups are visible in the task. Ensure that selection of material and assembly can be made, and can then be updated and then deleted.

Then see what happens to existing tasks when the groups are deleted from the associated task templates and assemblies - this implies another test of creating again based on template and assembly after the removal

hawea commented 10 years ago

Awaiting bug fix on task quantity before I can test.

Checks which need to be done: A: Material Group attached directly to Task Template

  1. Create task from task template with a material group attached directly to the task template
  2. Go to the new task and check that material group is attached and working as expected, but don't make a selection.
  3. Now, go back to the task template above and delete the material group from the task template.
  4. Go back to the task created in 1 above and check that the material group still exists.
  5. Now create a new task based on the modified template i.e. material group deleted
  6. Check the new task does not contain the material group, which should have been deleted in 3 above.
  7. Now go back to the original task created in 1 above and delete the material group. Check the material group deletes as expected.

B: Material Group attached to Task Template via Assembly

  1. Create task from task template which has an assembly with a material group attached.
  2. Go to the new task and check that material group is attached and working as expected, but don't make a selection.
  3. Now, go back to the assembly attached to the task template above and delete the material group from the assembly.
  4. Go back to the task created in 1 above and check that the material group still exists.
  5. Now create a new task based on the modified template i.e. material group deleted from assembly
  6. Check the new task does not contain the material group, which should have been deleted in 3 above.
  7. Now go back to the original task created in 1 above and delete the material group. Check the material group deletes as expected.

C: Assembly Group attached directly to Task Template

  1. Create task from task template with an Assembly group attached directly to the task template
  2. Go to the new task and check that the Assembly group is attached and working as expected, but don't make a selection.
  3. Now, go back to the task template above and delete the Assembly group from the task template.
  4. Go back to the task created in 1 above and check that the Assembly group still exists.
  5. Now create a new task based on the modified template i.e. Assembly group deleted
  6. Check the new task does not contain the Assembly group, which should have been deleted in 3 above.
  7. Now go back to the original task created in 1 above and delete the Assembly group. Check the Assembly group deletes as expected.

D: Assembly Group attached to Task Template via Assembly

  1. Create task from task template which has an assembly with an Assembly group attached.
  2. Go to the new task and check that the assembly group is attached and working as expected, but don't make a selection.
  3. Now, go back to the assembly attached to the task template above and delete the Assembly group from the assembly.
  4. Go back to the task created in 1 above and check that the Assembly group still exists.
  5. Now create a new task based on the modified template i.e. Assembly group deleted from assembly
  6. Check the new task does not contain the Assembly group, which should have been deleted in 3 above.
  7. Now go back to the original task created in 1 above and delete the Assembly group. Check the Assembly group deletes as expected.
andrewblake1 commented 10 years ago

@hawea. You should be able to test now, NB: I havn't yet done the change re quantity - i.e. just using the default task template quantity but am about to start work on that, but this shouldn't hold up your testing above

andrewblake1 commented 10 years ago

@hawea check resolved and close - have added quantity onto task view now also and should alter as template changes.

hawea commented 10 years ago

Reopening just to check everything else is still working as it was, with the new updates.

hawea commented 10 years ago

Appears to be resolved. Have checked today.