andrewblake1 / WorksManagement

Project/Works management system for Northpower's Westcoast Energy
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Project/Works management system for Northpower's Westcoast Energy

check apache error log if not working for unknown reason. Might be a few instruction missing so need to fix in next install

1./ Server installation (apache):

Ensure mod_rewrite is on in virtual host

a2enmod rewrite

Sample virtual host: <VirtualHost *:80>


DocumentRoot /var/www/dev/melbourne
<Directory /var/www/dev/melbourne/>
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride All
    Order allow,deny
    allow from all

restart apache once all changes made

2./ Debian install after following setup including extra stuff on phpmyadmin from

apt-get update apt-get install git-core git config --global "Andrew Blake" git config --global apt-get install at apt-get install curl cd /usr/bin curl -s -O chmod u+x git-credential-osxkeychain git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain

might be missing some steps here in creating ssh keys

set group access read to

cat /root/.ssh/

copy key into ssh keys in your github account

eval $(ssh-agent) #runs ssh agent

installing yii

cd /var git init yii cd yii git clone cd yii git checkout 1.1.13

3./ MySQL - to upload databases straight from workbench need to open mysql to other ip's find / -name my.cnf. This potential security risk as normally only open to - may require firewall to make safe

edit my.cnf to allow access from any ip??

3.1/ echo "max_sp_recursion_depth = 255">>max_sp_recursion_depth.cnf

tidy up the above - could just be put both in 1 file under conf.d

/etc/init.d/mysql restart

4./ Installing application

need to install as user www-data which means www-data needs access to the .ssh folder

www-data needs to update into runtime directory and update assets hence doesn't work if installed as root

alter the above, everything safer owned by root and only give www-data write access to directories that is needed as below

to muck around with this whereas already setup for root hence just do as root and chown after

cd /var/www git init test cd test git clone mv WorksManagement melbourne

if installed in domain/subdomain i.e. no supdirectory then .htaccess is fine, otherwise need to modify first RewriteRule e.g. /melbourne/ instead of /

cd melbourne cp template.htaccess .htaccess

need to create private uploads directory/s below document root that www-data has write access to

mkdir /home/www-data cd /home/www-data mkdir /uploads mkdir /uploads/test mkdir /uploads/test/melbourne mkdir /uploads/test/perth mkdir /uploads/test/melbourne/assembly mkdir /uploads/test/perth/assembly mkdir /uploads/melbourne mkdir /uploads/perth mkdir /uploads/melbourne/assembly mkdir /uploads/perth/assembly

mkdir /var/www/melbourne/assets/assembly mkdir /var/www/perth/assets/assembly mkdir /var/www/test/melbourne/assets/assembly
mkdir /var/www/test/perth/assets/assembly mkdir /var/www/dev/melbourne/assets/assembly mkdir /var/www/dev/perth/assets/assembly

need to create public uploads temporary directories

chown -R www-data /var/www/melbourne/assets chown -R www-data /var/www/perth/assets chown -R www-data /var/www/test/melbourne/assets chown -R www-data /var/www/test/perth/assets chown -R www-data /var/www/dev/melbourne/assets chown -R www-data /var/www/dev/perth/assets chown -R www-data /home/www-data/uploads

chown -R www-data /var/www/melbourne/protected/runtime chown -R www-data /var/www/perth/protected/runtime chown -R www-data /var/www/test/melbourne/protected/runtime chown -R www-data /var/www/test/perth/protected/runtime chown -R www-data /var/www/dev/melbourne/protected/runtime chown -R www-data /var/www/dev/perth/protected/runtime chown -R www-data /home/www-data/protected/runtime

nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini

edit php.ini

post_max_size = 40M upload_max_filesize = 30M max_file_uploads = 20 session.gc_probability = 1 session.gc_divisor = 1000

high memory limit needed for phpexcel otherwise it crashes leaving a blank screen with no file. So far with materials

export of just over 6000 rows, requiring somewhere between 256M and 384M

memory_limit = 384M


need to set local database access

cd protected/config cp local_template.php local.php

set database settings here - also set directories correct


6./ to update to repository source go to the document root and type

cd /var/www/test/melbourne git remote update git stash git merge origin/master


Cleaning UED & JEN Material catalog for Melbourne

Using sed on Debian as Mac OSX sed doesn't appear to support logical OR (|) 1./ import the data into mysql first before UPDATE Sheet1 SET A = REPLACE(A, '"', ''); to remove speech marks 2./ export to CSV with field delimeter " and seperator ; or whatever suits. NB: no good to export CSV from Excel as issues with CR LF pair vs newline required by sed on unix

sed 's/^"([0-9]) ";" ([0-9])";" (.) (JAR|BAL|CM|PAA|LTH|cl|SHT|CAN|CON|DRM|DR|TBE|BT|BR|RL|EA|SET|CAR|BOX|BAG|ROL|PAC|M)[" ]./"\1";"\2";"\3";"\4";/' Sheet1.csv > Sheet2.csv


Zinfra INSERT INTO materialToClient (material_id, client_id, alias, deleted, updated_by) SELECT, 8, CONCAT_WS(' ', JEN/ZNX Item No), 0, 1 FROM JEN_ZNX Free Issue JOIN material ON material.alias = JEN_ZNX Free Issue.WCE Product No;

Tenix INSERT INTO materialToClient (material_id, client_id, alias, deleted, updated_by) SELECT, 12, CONCAT_WS(' ', UED Item No), 0, 1 FROM JEN_ZNX Free Issue JOIN material ON material.alias = JEN_ZNX Free Issue.WCE Product No;

ZNX INSERT INTO materialToClient (material_id, client_id, alias, deleted, updated_by) SELECT, 4, CONCAT_WS(' ', JEN/ZNX Item No, UED Item No), 0, 1 FROM JEN_ZNX Free Issue JOIN material ON material.alias = JEN_ZNX Free Issue.WCE Product No;

JEN INSERT INTO materialToClient (material_id, client_id, alias, deleted, updated_by) SELECT, 6, CONCAT_WS(' ', JEN/ZNX Item No), 0, 1 FROM JEN_ZNX Free Issue JOIN material ON material.alias = JEN_ZNX Free Issue.WCE Product No;

SPA 2 INSERT INTO materialToClient (material_id, client_id, alias, deleted, updated_by) SELECT, 2, CONCAT_WS(' ', SPA Free issue.SPA Item No, SPA Free issue.SPA Old No), 0, 1 FROM SPA Free issue JOIN material ON material.alias = SPA Free issue.WCE Product No group by SPA Free issue.WCE Product No;

Tenix INSERT INTO materialToClient (material_id, client_id, alias, deleted, updated_by) SELECT, 12, CONCAT_WS(' ', SPA Free issue.SPA Item No, SPA Free issue.SPA Old No), 0, 1 FROM SPA Free issue JOIN material ON material.alias = SPA Free issue.WCE Product No group by SPA Free issue.WCE Product No;

Zinfra INSERT INTO materialToClient (material_id, client_id, alias, deleted, updated_by) SELECT, 8, CONCAT_WS(' ', SPA Free issue.SPA Item No, SPA Free issue.SPA Old No), 0, 1 FROM SPA Free issue JOIN material ON material.alias = SPA Free issue.WCE Product No group by SPA Free issue.WCE Product No;