andrewblake1 / WorksManagement

Project/Works management system for Northpower's Westcoast Energy
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Unit Rate vs Task Template problem #434

Open hawea opened 10 years ago

hawea commented 10 years ago

I have a problem which I'm not sure exactly how to solve and would like to discuss through with you. We have set up our Unit Rates as task templates. This system seems to work well except we have found a glitch, which I would like to discuss with you.


Unit Rate: RXL - LV Crossarm Replacement Task Template: RXL - LV Crossarm replacement LV Intermediate crossarm replacement = UR:RXL x1; TT:RXL x1 LV Termination crossarm replacement = UR:RXL x 1; TT:RXL x1 LV Anchor crossarm replacement = UR:RXL x 2 but TT: RXL x1

The reason for the last one breaking the rule is because we get paid one of the RXL unit rates for each crossarm we change (see below picture of Anchor arm), however there is a single assembly for the LV Anchor crossarm replacement which makes it 1 assembly and therefore we don't want to multiply the assembly materials twice. We still want the Labour and Plant to multiply in hours though, hence the issue.
