andrewcrobertson / subtext

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A monorepo for {TODO}.

Developer Quick start

# Install dependencies
pnpm install

# Run tests
pnpm run test

Developer Setup

NPM Configuration

This repository uses @ismyclub scoped packages, which have been published to the GitHub Package Registry. In order to have permission to install these packages, follow these steps to configure your npm environment:

  1. Navigate to the User Settings / Access Tokens page and select 'Generate new token' | 'Generate new token (classic)'.
  2. Add 'personal - npm read' as note, 'No Expiration' as Expiration, 'read:packages' as scope, and click the 'Generate token' button.
  3. Run the following command in your terminal, replacing {YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN} with your actual token:
npm config set "@ismyclub:registry"
npm config set "//" {YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN}

Note: This only needs to be done once, for all repositories in the ismyclub GitHub group.

CI/CD Setup

The CI/CD pipeline for this repository uses a Personal Access Token with the correct scope, stored in an action secret called NPM_TOKEN, so that:

To create/rotate the token:

  1. Navigate to the User Settings / Access Tokens page and select 'Generate new token' | 'Generate new token (classic)'.
  2. Add ' - npm write' as note, 'No Expiration' as expiration, 'write:packages' as scope, and click the 'Generate token' button.
  3. Copy the value of the new token into the NPM_TOKEN action secret in the Actions secrets and variables page.

Note: If other repositories are using the same NPM_TOKEN in CI/CD, be sure to change them too.
