andrewgazelka / hyperion

Getting 10k players to PvP at once on a Minecraft server to break the Guinness World Record.
Apache License 2.0
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From the creator of SwarmBot:

How can we get 10k players to PvP at once on a Minecraft server to break the Guinness World Record for largest PvP battle in any game of 8,825 players?

The image below shows 100k zombies (with collisions) running at ~8 ms/tick on an M2 MacBook Pro.


Step 1: The event

git clone
cd hyperion
cargo run --release -p infection

When joining the server downloads a map and loads it.

Step 2: The proxy

  1. Join the Discord server
  2. Look in the #build channel for the latest proxy release
  3. Run it with ./{executable_name}. You will likely need to make it executable first with chmod +x ./{exeuctable_name}


Q: How is hyperion so fast?

Q: Aren't you re-inventing the wheel?

Q: What is the goal of this project? Making valence 2.0?

Q: How will this handle 10k players given the network requirements?

Q: Why not just use a distributed server?