andrewhancox / moodle-filter_translations

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Permission denied for translators #149

Open berthelemy opened 1 year ago

berthelemy commented 1 year ago

We’re having permissions issues with the Content Translation system.

I’ve given the translator the ability to edit translations and edit hash keys (it breaks without the latter).

When they go to edit a translation they get a permission error in their language:

Désolé, vous n'avez actuellement pas les permissions requises pour effectuer ceci (Edit translations)

Sorry, you don’t currently have the permissions required to do this (Edit translations)

Oddly, we’re sure this worked earlier, and nothing has changed on the system since then.

I’ve tried giving him the Teacher role alongside the translator role, but the same issue happens.

Interestingly, when I check the users’ permissions within a course where they have the translator role, they do not appear to have any translation permissions.

I have done the same check against the system administrator user (me), and still no translation permissions appear.
