andrewhancox / moodle-filter_translations

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This plugin is part of a set, which also includes Moodle Atto Translations

Full documentation available at:

To Install it manually

To Enable it


Since the filter makes database calls and, if Google Translate is enabled, web service calls, it is advisable to enable caching by working with the cachingmode setting. If you have a small volume of course material in active use then Application mode caching is advised, if you have a large volume then Session. In any case, the default of Request is rarely the optimal choice.

How it chooses translations

To Use it

Users with the 'filter/translations:edittranslations' capability will see an icon in the top right hand corner of the screen to enable the translator view of the course. At this point all translatable text will have an icon injected next to it to allow it to be translated.

Scheduled tasks

There are a number of scheduled tasks that can be enabled, if needed. These scheduled tasks are disabled by default and should only be enabled if content translation is to be applied to the whole site.

Insert translation spans: This task scans records in specified tables/columns and adds a translation span tag if one is not found.

Remove duplicate hashes: This task checks for duplicate translation hashes in specified tables/columns and replaces duplicate hashes with a new "unique" hash.

Copy translations: This task finds matching translations for each content in specified tables/columns and copies them under the translation hash for that content.

Cleanup translation issues: This task cleans up the translation issues table by deleting records older than 7 days.

To migrate from filter_fulltranslate

A CLI tool is available to migrate all translations across from the filter_fulltranslate.

It is recommended that you clean out any unwanted translations that may have been generated as follows:

delete from mdl_filter_fulltranslate where sourcetext like '%{mlang%';

You can then copy the translations from filter_fulltranslate into filter_translations as follows:

php cli/migrate_filter_fulltranslate.php --confirm

To add translation span tags to existing data

A CLI tool is available to automatically add span tags to existing data. Please use with extreme caution.

You can run the tool as follows which will show help text:

php cli/insert_spans.php


The module has been written and is currently maintained by Andrew Hancox on behalf of Open Source Learning.

Useful links


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see