andrewiankidd / Plextras.js

Minor customizations to plex/web plugin
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Minor customizations to plex/web plugin


Setup & Install

Step 1: Generate Custom Plextras.js

  1. Navigate to This page and fill in details as you want

  2. Copy the resulting URL, this is {your plextras URL}

Step 2: Install

Option One - Install to Your server (Preferred)
Pros: All user visiting your server by IP will get Plextras
Cons: Users visiting via will not get Plextras, updating PMS removes plextras
  1. Locate your plex/web plugin directory`

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Plex\Plex Media Server\Resources\Plug-ins\WebClient.bundle\Contents\Resources

  2. open index.html in the above directory and paste this at the end:

    <script src="{your plextras URL}"></script>

  3. Done! Everyone accessing your plex server via your IP (Not will have these features as configured by you.

Option Two: Installing to Web Browser

Pros: Works on any Plex/Web instance you visit, including other servers and
Cons: Only works in the browser it's installed on
  1. Have TamperMonkey/GreaseMonkey/Any UserScript manager installed on browser
  2. Install the base user js from here (click raw)
  3. Replace the script.src value with {your plextras URL}
  4. Done!

Option Three: Installing to PMP

Pros: It's cool, and PMP is better than using browser
Cons: Only works in PMP
  1. Locate your PMP web-client folder

    C:\Program Files\Plex\Plex Media Player\web-client\desktop\

  2. open index.html in the above directory and paste this at the end:

    <script src="{your plextras URL}"></script>

  3. Done! Now PMP will run Plextras.js on startup

Option Four: DIY/Fork Install

  1. Save Plextras.js
  2. Modify it however you want
  3. Open the index.html for the client you want to install on
  4. Add the Githubissues.
  5. Githubissues is a development platform for aggregating issues.