andrewpbrett / assistly_to_pivotal

Push Assistly tickets into a Pivotal Tracker feed using a Heroku-ready Sinatra app
6 stars 2 forks source link

UPDATE 2/23/2012: Assistly is moving their endpoints to If you've already installed this app prior to 2/23, you'll need to update and push the new code to Heroku:

cd myapp
git pull origin master
bundle update
git push heroku master

This is a little Sinatra app that allows you to integrate your Assistly tickets into Pivotal.

Inspired by airbrake_to_pivotal.

Uses the excellent assistly gem by zencoder though right now we're on my fork of the fork by bobbytables - only diff is that we use instead of so we don't get shut down when they complete the transition.

  1. Grab a copy of the source

    git clone git://
  2. Create a Heroku app

    heroku create myapp
  3. Add required config from your assistly API page.

            heroku config:add ASSISTLY_SUBDOMAIN=mysubdomain
            heroku config:add CONSUMER_KEY=your_key
            heroku config:add CONSUMER_SECRET=your_secret
            heroku config:add OAUTH_TOKEN=your_token
            heroku config:add OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET=your_token
  4. Add optional config to filter on only certain channels or labels

            heroku config:add ASSISTLY_LABELS=labels                # default is "" - retrieves all labels
            heroku config:add ASSISTLY_CHANNELS=channels        # default is "email"
            heroku config:add ASSISTLY_DAY_COUNT=count          # number of days of cases to retrieve; default is 7 to avoid timeout errors
  5. Pick a username and password for Pivotal to use

    heroku config:add HTTP_BASIC_USERNAME=pivotal
    heroku config:add HTTP_BASIC_PASSWORD=password
  6. Deploy to Heroku

    git push heroku master
  7. Test you're getting XML back

  8. Add the integration to Pivotal. From the "Configure Integrations" page, add an "Other" integration.

  9. From the "More" menu of Pivotal Tracker you should see "Assistly"

  10. Buy me a beer.