andrey-yantsen / plexiglas

Sync plex content across multiple servers
MIT License
21 stars 3 forks source link
plex python3


This piece of software was inspired by me buying the WD My Passport Wireless Pro, quite nice external hdd which is able to run Plex and stream all available media across connected wireless devices. The only remarkable problem was is requirement to manually copy required content to hdd, at least when you already have some instance of Plex set up. But now, with plexiglas, you can easily have multiple servers with similar data.



pip install plexiglas

(sudo may be required)

If you'll receive an error like AttributeError: 'MyPlexAccount' object has no attribute 'syncItems' it means that you already have PlexAPI installed, but without my changes, to fix this please execute following commands:

pip uninstall plexapi
pip install 'plexapi>=3.1.0'


plexiglas -d "/Volumes/My Passport/PlexSync" --limit-disk-usage 10% -w

Following arguments are currently supported:

If you wouldn't provide a username and/or password the app will ask you to provide them in interactive mode, afterwards it will be stored in secure storage, unless option -i was set.

If you're using Mobile Sync you can split all your files by subdirectories in quite an easy way: when you create a new Sync Item in Plex interface it asks you for a title — it would be a folder name for all the items, related to this item. And there lies a trick, there is some special handling for this title: