andsol / esp32-creality-chamber-heater

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ESP32 PWM Heater Control with Web Interface and WebSocket Integration

This project involves an ESP32 microcontroller controlling a PWM heater and fan, reading temperature and humidity from a DHT20 sensor, and integrating with a 3D printer via the Moonraker API using WebSockets. It includes a web interface for setting target temperatures and configuring the Moonraker API connection, and an OLED display for real-time monitoring.

Model assembly

Heater Case

Hardware Components:

ESP32 microcontroller DHT20 temperature and humidity sensor PWM heater PWM fan (Noctua NF-A4x10 24V) SSD1306 I2C OLED display Tachometer for fan RPM measurement WiFi connectivity Software Components Arduino IDE


Wire Adafruit_SSD1306 WiFi WebServer WiFiManager Preferences ArduinoJson HTTPClient ArduinoWebsockets by Gil Maimon DHT20 by Rob Tillart

Functional Description

Temperature and Humidity Monitoring:

Uses the DHT20 sensor to read current temperature and humidity. Displays these values on the OLED display.

PWM Heater and Fan Control:

Controls a PWM heater and fan based on the target temperature. Measures and displays fan RPM using a tachometer.

Web Interface:

Serves a web page to configure target temperature, Moonraker API IP address, and authentication token. Allows switching between DHT20 sensor and Moonraker API for temperature readings.

WebSocket Integration:

Connects to the Moonraker API via WebSockets. Subscribes to temperature and print state events. Updates the current temperature and printing status based on received messages.

OLED Display:

Shows current temperature, target temperature, humidity, fan speed, fan RPM, chamber temperature, and printing status. Displays icons indicating WiFi and Moonraker connection statuses.