andviro / flake8-vim

Pyflakes, Pep8 and mccabe code complexity checker for Vim, bundled with latest libraries for easy installation
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Flake8-vim: frosted, pep8 and mcabe checker for Vim

Flake8-vim is a Vim plugin that checks python sources for errors. It's based on pylint-mode plugin by Kirill Klenov.


Manual installation

Clone plugin repository using Git:

git clone --recursive

Copy ftplugin folder into your Vim home directory.

Using plugin manager (recommended)

Install Vundle, then run bundle install command:

BundleInstall andviro/flake8-vim

Alternatively install Neobundle and load plugin using command:

NeoBundleInstall andviro/flake8-vim


By default python source code is checked with frosted, pep8 and mccabe code complexity utility. The following options can be configured through global variables in .vimrc:

Auto-check file for errors on write:

let g:PyFlakeOnWrite = 1

List of checkers used:

let g:PyFlakeCheckers = 'pep8,mccabe,frosted'

Default maximum complexity for mccabe:

let g:PyFlakeDefaultComplexity=10

List of disabled pep8 warnings and errors:

let g:PyFlakeDisabledMessages = 'E501'

Default aggressiveness for autopep8:

let g:PyFlakeAggressive = 0

Default height of quickfix window:

let g:PyFlakeCWindow = 6 

Whether to place signs or not:

let g:PyFlakeSigns = 1 

When usign signs, this is the first id that will be used to identify the signs. Tweak this if you are using other plugins that also use the sign gutter

let g:PyFlakeSignStart = 1

Maximum line length for PyFlakeAuto command

let g:PyFlakeMaxLineLength = 100

Visual-mode key command for PyFlakeAuto

let g:PyFlakeRangeCommand = 'Q'

Force python 3 interface:

let g:PyFlakeForcePyVersion = 3


Disable/enable automatic checking of current file


Run checks for current file


Auto-fix pep8 errors for current file


PyFlakeAuto command by default works with the whole file, but also accepts line ranges. Select some lines in Python code, then use :'<,'>PyFlakeAuto to re-format and fix pep8 errors for them. For every Python buffer Visual-mode shortcut is added to quickly fix selection ('Q' by default). Set global variable g:PyFlakeRangeCommand in .vimrc to change the key sequence. To disable visual mode mapping, set this variable to empty string.


Andrew Rodionoff (@andviro)
