andy-schwedler / capstone-project
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Beaver Memories


This app gives you a minimalistic place to dump several thoughts by the minute. It will not forget your memories, thanks to a MongoDB connection. The essential features include:

...for memories


You can find the hosted version on vercel: This demo is optimized for mobile screens. Demo Version

Tech Stack

Project setup

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Install all npm dependencies with npm install
  3. To run the app in development mode npm start, then open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser
  4. To run unit and component tests npm test

Inclusion, Diversity

I am happy to announce that this App has reached an overall Accessibility Score of


I could not write a single line of code, 3 months ago when I started this journey. Now I know the difference between JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks.

Regardless of the outcome I have taken away many learnings from this application.


If you have made it to here, I thank you for taking your time with this project. I would like to acknowledge the support of my family, who had given me time and space for me to develope.