andycasey / original-oracle

oracle, the suppository of all wisdom
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oracle, the suppository of all wisdom

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At present there are three different solvers (or ways to determine stellar parameters) in oracle. There are three because I wasn't sure which would be best or fastest, so I wrote them all.

Theremin Solver

oracle solve theremin <configuration.yaml> <spectrum_blue.fits> [, spectrum_red.fits]

Performs synthesis on-the-fly and fits abundances to individual atomic lines. Blends are accounted for in each iteration.

Generative Solver

oracle solve generative <configuration.yaml> <spectrum_blue.fits> [, spectrum_red.fits]

This is probably the Right Way™ to do things but needs some work. At present it will be really slow because there is no fancy pre-optimisation prior to performing inference.

Classical Solver

oracle solve classical <configuration.yaml> <spectrum.fits>

This performs a classical excitation and ionisation balance using equivalent widths. It's extremely fast but does not take blended lines into account.

To get an idea of some of the flags you can use, do oracle solve --help.