andygi / gd-mylist

My List, Wordpress Plugin
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My Wish List

You can create a favorite list of pages or posts in easy and faster way.


For developing please see related file


This plugin allows you to create wish lists or bookmark for your website pages, posts or product sheet, and display them on any post or page with simple shortcode or code into your theme as well. It add items by AJAX system and it's check if user is login or not, you can add or remove list only as login user. GD MyList use Handlebars Js as template framework, and Fontawesome (v5.0 free) as icons.




  1. Upload plugin .zip file to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory and unzip
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Use the shortcode in your posts and pages to display your button or MyList (more info in FAQ)
  4. You can chouse if the user have to login or not, the plugin not request to be login by default

Frequently Asked Questions

How call myList's button?

There are three ways by your needs:

1. By control panel By default the button will be add before the post/page content. That means you will se the button in the post/page list and into the post/page itself. You can anable/disable this function from the control panel. In the admin area go to "Settings/GD Mylist".

2. By Shortcode if you needs a single button in a page or post or product sheet, just write


in the content

3. By code into theme if you needs to put the buttom in themes code, just write

$arg = array (
    'echo' => true

where do you want that button will show it

4. In case you need add it in post list or carousel In case you need add it in post list page or carousel, it means with multiple thumbnails with add-lo-list button. You can add it by add the following code in theme code:

<?php echo do_shortcode('[show_gd_mylist_btn item_id= '. $customPost->ID . ']'); ?>

How call myList's list?

yuo can show MyList list by shortcode, just create a page (eg: myList) and put into the content the shortcode


to disable share button

[show_gd_mylist_list share_list='no']

to disable count items

[show_gd_mylist_list show_count='no']

How change login permission?

Go to the setting panel (Settings/GD Mylist) and check Yes in case you whant allow the anonymous user.


In case has anonymous user, the user's id data will be storage in a cookie by GD-Mylist. Cookie name is: gb_mylist_guest, the expiration date is 30 days, and store only the Guest ID in order the create the list.

Can I Template customization?

Yes, I use Handlebars Js as template. Here you can find the official documentation.

The files are in template folder:

Icon customization

I use Font Awesome as icon framework Font Awesome. You can change the class name from Control Panel (Settings/GD Mylist).


  1. Frontend - MyList Log Bottom Add MyList
  2. Frontend - MyList Log Bottom Remove MyList
  3. Frontend - MyList show MyList
  4. Control Panel







0.3.2 beta




Upgrade Notice


new functions and fix


new functions and fix


new functions


second release


first release