andykuszyk / noman.el

An Emacs package for browsing CLI command docs without man pages
GNU General Public License v3.0
14 stars 4 forks source link


I primarily wrote this package to navigate the command line help from ~kubectl~ and ~aws~, both of which have nested sub-commands, and quite verbose (and helpful!) command line help.

Neither of these programs ships with ~man~ pages, or similar offline documentation. I find myself consulting the command line help often, but struggling to find the experience very ergonomic.

This package aims to make the experience of browsing command line help more pleasant.


** Installation Noman is on MELPA so you can install it directly with:


M-x package-refresh-contents RET M-x package-install RET noman RET


If you use ~use-package~, you could also install Noman with:

+begin_src elisp

(use-package noman :ensure t)


** Usage The entrypoint for this package is the ~noman~ command:


M-x noman RET


When prompted for a command, enter a program in your ~PATH~, e.g. ~kubectl~.

Noman then tries to run the command with the ~--help~ or ~help~ suffixes, and parse the output. Parsing the output simply involves looking for subcommands, and turning them into links for subsequent invocations of ~noman~.

The default key-bindings are as follows:

| Key | Description | |-------------+-------------------------------------| | ~n~ | Next line | | ~p~ | Previous line | | ~q~ | Quit the window | | ~g~ or ~m~ | Select a subcommand to display | | ~G~ | Run ~noman~ for a different command | | ~l~ | Back to the previous subcommand | | ~TAB~ | Forward button | | ~~ | Backward button |

** Shell built-ins Noman also supports displaying help for shell built-in commands using a prefix argument:


C-u M-x noman RET


By default, Noman will use your system shell for this. If you want to use a different shell, you can customise the ~noman-shell-file-name~ variable:

+begin_src elisp

(setq noman-shell-file-name "/bin/bash")


** Customisation *** Custom parsing functions Custom parsing functions can be added to ~noman-parsing-functions~ to add support for programs whose help does not work with Noman out-of-the-box. For an example of how this works, you can read how the AWS CLI is supported:

+begin_src elisp

(add-to-list 'noman-parsing-functions '("aws" . noman--make-aws-button))


** Re-using buffers By default, Noman will open all help pages in the same buffer called ~noman*~. If you would prefer different buffers for each help page, you can set the ~noman-reuse-buffers~ variable:

+begin_src elisp

(setq noman-reuse-buffers nil)


** Known to work with

Tests are written using ~ert~, and can either be run directing using ~M-x ert RET~, or from a shell with ~make test~.