andytudhope / APerspectiveOnTechnology

A collection of the thoughts of people like Doug Engelbart, Bret Victor, Ted Nelson, Alan Kay and other programming luminaries of our generation.
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A collection of the thoughts of people like Bret Victor, Ted Nelson, Alan Kay and other programming luminaries of our generation.


The Foundation of the representation will be a 3D cube. There will be three Views. We will be using six markdown files as input for each plane.

      | BV |
| JL || TN || VB |
      | DE |
      | AK |


Each plane has its own color theme. Relations should have a special color.

One: 2D - single

The Single view simply displays the data from a markdown file as a "normal" HTML page (can be embedded into SVG). Text color should be white or black, but there should be a transition.

Two: 2D - all planes

Same as "One" but each file is now a seperrated, colored "tile" and you can scroll 2D wise across all planes without interception.

Three : 3D - rotating

Starting from a edge view. Inside the cube is all the data from the markdown files as "word clouds". There need to be a balance between readability of words and the visual size of relations. This view should make better sense of the relations.


Transitions between views should be smoothly animated (see bret victor: stop drawing dead fish)


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