angelo2dot0 / food-pixels

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Description: A paragraph-long elevator pitch of your project. A visual food menu app that enables restaurant managers to sign up, log in, log out, and post photos of food menu items with optional descriptions, to save their customers time, when ordering by phone or online, by referring or linking to a menu item photo instead of having to spend time explaining what a menu item looks like.

Explanations of the technologies used. Ruby on rails.

A couple paragraphs about the general approach you took. Decided to build a full stack app using Ruby on Rails from scracth (without the devise gem).

Installation instructions for the app itself and any dependencies - how could someone else run your site locally? gem 'pg', gem 'therubyracer', gem 'less-rails-bootstrap', gem 'bcrypt', gem 'rails_12factor', gem 'pry-byebug', gem 'pry-rails'.

Link to your user stories - who are your users, what do they want, and why?

Link to your wireframes – sketches of major views / interfaces in your application.

Link to some entity relationship diagrams – plan out your data relationships before coding.

Descriptions of any unsolved problems or major hurdles overcome. Had to change the entity relationship diagrams of data models, separating the users model, which previoulsy had the restaurants model nested under it.