angrezichatterbox / Flutter-Resolve

Join Flutter Resolve to enhance a simple note-taking app by fixing intentional bugs and adding new features. This challenge is perfect for beginners looking to improve their Flutter skills while contributing to open source. Dive in, debug, and make the app shine!
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flutter hacktoberfest

Notes App - Hacktoberfest Edition

Welcome to the Notes App! This application allows users to create, manage, and organize notes efficiently. It’s built with Flutter, making it compatible across various platforms. Whether you're participating in Hacktoberfest or just looking for a notes app, we’re glad you’re here!

Table of Contents



Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:

Installing Flutter


  1. Download Flutter SDK: Visit the Flutter installation page and download the latest stable release.

  2. Extract the zip file: Open your terminal and run:

    cd ~/Downloads
    unzip flutter_macos_<version>.zip
  3. Move Flutter to a desired location:

    mv flutter /Users/<your-username>/development
  4. Update your path: Add the following line to your ~/.zshrc or ~/.bash_profile:

    export PATH="$PATH:/Users/<your-username>/development/flutter/bin"

    Then run:

    source ~/.zshrc
  5. Run Flutter doctor:

    flutter doctor

    Follow any additional instructions to complete the setup.


  1. Download Flutter SDK: Visit the Flutter installation page and download the latest stable release.

  2. Extract the tar file: Open your terminal and run:

    cd ~/Downloads
    tar xf flutter_linux_<version>.tar.xz
  3. Move Flutter to a desired location:

    sudo mv flutter /usr/local/flutter
  4. Update your path: Add the following line to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile:

    export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/flutter/bin"

    Then run:

    source ~/.bashrc
  5. Run Flutter doctor:

    flutter doctor

    Follow any additional instructions to complete the setup.

Running the App

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd notes-app
  2. Get dependencies:

    flutter pub get
  3. Run the app:

    flutter run


We welcome contributions! Please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/YourFeature).
  3. Make your changes and commit them (git commit -m 'Add some feature').
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/YourFeature).
  5. Open a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Note: People could create their own issues and start working on it. The issues created however would be considered under Hack-The-Week only if the issues is considered worthy enough.

Happy coding, and thanks for contributing to the Notes App during Hacktoberfest! 🎉