angristan / feedbin-docker

Self-host your own Feedbin RSS reader in Docker
MIT License
252 stars 35 forks source link
docker feedbin rails rss rss-reader ruby ruby-on-rails

Feedbin in Docker

Self-host Feedbin with Docker. Feedbin is a web based RSS reader. It's an open-source Ruby on Rails software.

Feedbin's main goal is not to be easily self-hostable, and it was quite hard getting all of the services to work. During the process of creating feedbin-docker, I made a few contributions to the upstream project to make it self-hostable ready. Other have taken other approaches by forking it, but all the projects I found on GitHub were abandonned and weren't working anymore.

I chose to run it in Docker because of all the services required to run Feedbin.

Here is a breakdown of all the containers:

As you can see it's a lot. Technically, you can give up on a few of them without breaking Feedbin:

You can also replace caddy with another reverse proxy, but caddy is really handy.


I recommend a server with more than 2 GB of RAM. Otherwise you will likely have OOM kills.

Clone the repo:

git clone

Run the database migrations:

docker-compose run --rm feedbin-web rake db:setup

Launch everything:

docker-compose up -d

You can check if everything is going well with docker-compose logs -f or docker-compose ps.

Now go to feedbin.domain.tld and create a new account. You're set!

You can make yourself an admin to manage users and to view the Sidekiq web interface.

To do so, run:

docker-compose exec feedbin-web rake feedbin:make_admin[youremail@domain.tld]

Once you're done, you can prevent new users from registering by modifying Caddy config and uncommenting the respond directive for /signup and /users routes.