angular-fullstack / generator-angular-fullstack

Yeoman generator for an Angular app with an Express server
6.13k stars 1.24k forks source link

Gulp build does not uglify app.js #2642

Open MarinAngelo opened 6 years ago

MarinAngelo commented 6 years ago
Item Version
generator-angular-fullstack 3.7.5
Node 6.5.0
npm 3.10.3

Operating System Ubuntu 16.04

Item Answer
Transpiler Babel
Markup HTML
Router ui-router
Client Tests Mocha
DB MongoDB
Auth Y

Hi there,

Is there a specific reason why gulp build does not uglyfi app.js or ist it an error?

Kind Regards


Awk34 commented 6 years ago

Sounds like a bug to me. Have you changed anything that might affect this?

MarinAngelo commented 6 years ago

No, I don't think so, the only thing I have changed in the gulp file is added a copy block:

gulp.task('copy:gridfonts', () => {
    return gulp.src([
    ], { dot: true })
MarinAngelo commented 6 years ago

Here is the console output:

[09:41:02] Using gulpfile m:\Websites\projekte\Kunden\SVS\svs-ngFullStack\gulpfile.babel.js
[09:41:02] Starting 'build'...
[09:41:02] Starting 'clean:dist'...
[09:41:02] Starting 'clean:tmp'...
[09:41:02] Finished 'clean:tmp' after 171 ms
[09:41:02] Finished 'clean:dist' after 178 ms
[09:41:02] Starting 'inject'...
[09:41:02] Starting 'inject:js'...
[09:41:02] Starting 'inject:css'...
[09:41:02] Starting 'inject:less'...
[09:41:02] gulp-inject Nothing to inject into index.html.
[09:41:02] Finished 'inject:css' after 187 ms
[09:41:02] gulp-inject 35 files into app.less.
[09:41:02] Finished 'inject:less' after 249 ms
[09:41:03] gulp-inject 96 files into index.html.
[09:41:03] Finished 'inject:js' after 353 ms
[09:41:03] Finished 'inject' after 354 ms
[09:41:03] Starting 'wiredep:client'...
[09:41:03] Finished 'wiredep:client' after 65 ms
[09:41:03] Starting 'transpile:client'...
[09:41:03] Starting 'transpile:server'...
[09:41:06] Finished 'transpile:server' after 2.99 s
[09:41:06] Finished 'transpile:client' after 3.8 s
[09:41:06] Starting 'build:images'...
[09:41:07] Starting 'copy:extras'...
[09:41:07] Starting 'copy:fonts'...
[09:41:07] Starting 'copy:assets'...
[09:41:07] Starting 'copy:server'...
[09:41:07] Starting 'copy:gridfonts'...
[09:41:07] Starting 'styles'...
[09:41:07] Starting 'html'...
[09:41:07] Starting 'constant'...
[09:41:07] Finished 'constant' after 181 ms
[09:41:07] Finished 'copy:extras' after 384 ms
[09:41:10] Finished 'copy:server' after 2.78 s
[09:41:10] Finished 'copy:gridfonts' after 2.78 s
[09:41:10] gulp-imagemin: Minified 1 image (saved 3.71 kB - 30.1%)
[09:41:10] Finished 'styles' after 2.78 s
[09:41:10] Finished 'build:images' after 3.24 s
[09:41:10] Finished 'copy:assets' after 2.8 s
[09:41:10] Finished 'copy:fonts' after 2.85 s
[09:41:10] Finished 'html' after 2.88 s
[09:41:10] Starting 'build:client'...
[09:41:29] Finished 'build:client' after 20 s
[09:41:29] Finished 'build' after 27 s```
Awk34 commented 6 years ago

Make sure any monospace code/console output you paste is surrounded by triple backticks (```)

umimehar commented 6 years ago

hello Marinus, @MarinAngelo Can you please show your screenshot of app.js its same happens to me when i Gulp build.

screen shot 2017-10-08 at 03 46 39

and when i run node server, it run the express server on 9000 port but only returns the static index page with loading message. looks like angular is not working in dist.

screen shot 2017-10-08 at 03 51 54

sorry if i am doing something wrong but this way i am learning. Any help from you guys will help me alot. @Awk34 Thanks.

MarinAngelo commented 6 years ago

Hi there I could not resolve this problem jet. app.js in dist does get uglified after gulp build. What can I do?

Awk34 commented 6 years ago

Do you think you can send me your project code?