angular-fullstack / generator-angular-fullstack

Yeoman generator for an Angular app with an Express server
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The Angular Full-Stack Generator

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Yeoman generator for creating MEAN/SEAN stack applications, using ES2017, MongoDB/SQL, Express, Angular, and Node - lets you quickly set up a project following best practices.

Generated project:

Dependency Status Dev-Dependency Status Known Vulnerabilities


Install yo, gulp-cli, and generator-angular-fullstack:

npm install -g yo gulp-cli generator-angular-fullstack

Please note: If you run into trouble compiling native add-ons during the installation, follow node-gyp's short guide on required compilation tools.

Then, to run your app (make sure the MongoDB daemon is running if you selected Mongo), run the following to start your server:

npm run start:server

and the following to start the Webpack dev server for the front-end:

npm run start:client

The Webpack server will tell you which port to access the app at (usually http://localhost:8080/).

Run yo angular-fullstack

yo angular-fullstack

See the Getting Started guide for more information.


Supported Configurations





Available generators:


Check out our documentation home page.


See the contributing docs

When submitting an issue, please follow the Yeoman issue guidelines. Especially important is to make sure Yeoman is up-to-date, and providing the command or commands that cause the issue, as well as any stack traces.


BSD license
