angular-fullstack / generator-angular-fullstack

Yeoman generator for an Angular app with an Express server
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Email Validation always returns error 422 #2705

Open palfaro91 opened 6 years ago

palfaro91 commented 6 years ago
Item Version
generator-angular-fullstack 4.2.2
Node 8.9.2
npm 5.6.0
Operating System OS X 10.12.6
Item Answer
Transpiler Babel
Markup HTML
Router ui-router
Client Tests Mocha
DB MongoDB
Auth Y
mongoose 4.1.2

Hello! I'm having an issue where I try to update a user's email but the validation always, always returns an error. The error response says "email cannot be blank" but I can see that an email is present and not blank. If I comment out the blank email validation out it then throws the duplicate email validation error even though the email does not exist in the db.

validation code

    if(authTypes.indexOf(this.provider) !== -1) { return true; }  
    return !!(email && email.length);  
}, 'Email cannot be blank');

route controller

export function updateContact(req, res){
  if(req.body._id) { Reflect.deleteProperty(req.body, '_id');}  
  let update = new User(req.body);  
  let setUpdate = { $set: { email:, phoneNumber: update.phoneNumber, } };  
  return User.findByIdAndUpdate(, setUpdate, {new:true, upsert:true, 
     setDefaultsOnInsert:true, runValidators:true}).exec()  
    .then( (user) => res.json(user); )  

I'm not sure what I am doing wrong.