angular-fullstack / generator-angular-fullstack

Yeoman generator for an Angular app with an Express server
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How Do I enable AOT ? #2772

Open koraysels opened 5 years ago

koraysels commented 5 years ago
Item Version
generator-angular-fullstack 5.0.0-rc.4
Node v10.6.0
npm 6.1.0
Operating System OS X 10
etc etc
Item Answer
Transpiler TypeScript
Markup HTML
Router ngRoute
Client Tests Jasmine / Mocha
DB MongoDB
Auth Y
etc etc

How Do I enable AOT and optimize ? Also is there an easy way to update to angular 7 ?

LuisFlip commented 5 years ago

@Awk34 The project is build in jit or aot? if is in jit, how i build project with AOT?

LuisFlip commented 5 years ago

Hello, for enable AOT i install: "@angular/cli": "^6.2.9", "@angular/compiler-cli": "^6.1.10", "@ngtools/webpack": "^1.10.2", in webpack.make.js: config.module = { rules: [ { test: /(\.ngfactory\.js|\.ngstyle\.js|\.ts)$/, loader: '@ngtools/webpack' }, .......

config.plugins = [ new AngularCompilerPlugin({ tsConfigPath: './tsconfig.json', mainPath: './client/app/app', entryModule: './client/app/app.module#AppModule', sourceMap: true, skipCodeGeneration: BUILD ? false : true }),...... i replace ALL components templates and styles example: template: require('./home') to templateUrl: './home' styles: [require('./main.scss')] to styleUrls: ['./main.scss'],

this code enable AOT only in production mode, in development mode use JIT.

PS: if doesn't work, combines the packages versions.

I used Angular 6.0.4 and it works. i hope this help