angular-material-extensions / contacts

Angular Library to manage contacts and users with a material design
MIT License
44 stars 4 forks source link

Installation error #73

Closed handihow closed 5 years ago

handihow commented 5 years ago

Bug Report or Feature Request (mark with an x)

- [ x ] bug report -> please search issues before submitting
- [ ] feature request

OS and Version?

MacOS Mojave


Package Version

@angular-devkit/architect 0.13.0 @angular-devkit/build-angular 0.13.0 @angular-devkit/build-optimizer 0.13.0 @angular-devkit/build-webpack 0.13.0 @angular-devkit/core 7.3.0 @angular-devkit/schematics 7.3.0 @angular/animations 7.2.9 @angular/cdk 7.3.4 @angular/cli 7.3.0 @angular/common 7.2.3 @angular/compiler 7.2.3 @angular/compiler-cli 7.2.9 @angular/fire 5.1.1 @angular/flex-layout 7.0.0-beta.23 @angular/forms 7.2.9 @angular/language-service 7.2.3 @angular/material 7.3.4 @angular/material-moment-adapter 7.2.2 @angular/platform-browser 7.2.3 @angular/platform-browser-dynamic 7.2.3 @angular/pwa 0.13.0 @angular/router 7.2.3 @angular/service-worker 7.2.2 @ngtools/webpack 7.3.0 @schematics/angular 7.3.0 @schematics/update 0.13.0 rxjs 6.4.0 typescript 3.2.4 webpack 4.29.0

Repro steps

registering the module in the app.module.ts: import { NgxMaterialPagesModule } from '@angular-material-extensions/contacts'; Already indicates the error.

The log given by the failure

ERROR in src/app/app.module.ts(24,10): error TS2305: Module '"../../node_modules/@angular-material-extensions/contacts/contacts"' has no exported member 'NgxMaterialPagesModule'.

Desired functionality

Would like to use this extension in my app "SelfieTheGame"

Mention any other details that might be useful

Selfiegame hosted on Firebase Github repo

AnthonyNahas commented 5 years ago

I'm sorry about that, there was a typo issue in the readme... the module of this library is MatContactsModule

Import the module like the following:

import { MatContactsModule } from '@angular-material-extensions/contacts';

I will update the documentation tonight!

Thanks you 👍

Note: I can see that you are using ngx-auth-firebaseui in your selfie app!! This is really awesome 💪