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virtual-scroll: re-render when the viewport or content size changes #10117

Open mmalerba opened 6 years ago

mmalerba commented 6 years ago

Add support for automatically re-rendering the list when the viewport or content size changes such that not enough content is rendered. We should also expose a public method to allow users to trigger this manually

amcdnl commented 6 years ago

I ended up implementing this in my usages:

    fromEvent(window, 'resize')
        sampleTime(0, animationFrameScheduler),
      ).subscribe(() => this.onResize());
grant77 commented 6 years ago

Here is a temporary and crappy workaround. Probably needs a throttle, debounce, or something:

const ngOnInit = CdkVirtualScrollViewport.prototype.ngOnInit; CdkVirtualScrollViewport.prototype.ngOnInit = function () { ngOnInit.apply(this, arguments);

this['_resizeSubscription'] = fromEvent(window, 'resize') .subscribe(() => this.checkViewportSize()); }

const ngOnDestroy = CdkVirtualScrollViewport.prototype.ngOnDestroy; CdkVirtualScrollViewport.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () { ngOnDestroy.apply(this, arguments); this['_resizeSubscription'].unsubscribe(); }

jlowcs commented 5 years ago

Here's how I temporarily fixed it, waiting for the official fix:

    selector: 'cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport',
export class CdkVirtualScrollViewportPatchDirective implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
    protected readonly destroy$ = new Subject();

        @Self() @Inject(CdkVirtualScrollViewport) private readonly viewportComponent: CdkVirtualScrollViewport,
    ) {}

    ngOnInit() {
        fromEvent(window, 'resize')
            .subscribe(() => this.viewportComponent.checkViewportSize())

    ngOnDestroy() {
Tyler-V commented 5 years ago

Still no fix for this? This is one of the first things I noticed when porting my library over to this virtual scrolling

trungkmy commented 5 years ago

Any solution???

lobsang70 commented 5 years ago

The virtual scrolling feature is so useful and I think it should manage the container resizing.

jpirie commented 5 years ago

Also hit this here using a variation of the linked issue #13981 (same root cause - viewport size should not be computed when the tab containing the virtual scrolling component is not activated).

In the meantime an application-only workaround for tab-based use could be to wrap the content under an *ngIf, if the tab is not activated so viewport calculation is not completed prematurely. Still, the above workarounds are preferable, so will try that first. Thanks to @grant77 and @jlowcs for that snippet 👍.

digimezzo commented 5 years ago

@jlowcs's Directive works great to solve the window resizing issue. It, however, doesn't solve the issue when switching tabs when the virtual scrolling component is used in a mat-tab component. I'll need to figure out a similar mechanism which triggers checkViewportSize() on tab change.

rodent129 commented 5 years ago

@jlowcs's Directive works great to solve the window resizing issue. It, however, doesn't solve the issue when switching tabs when the virtual scrolling component is used in a mat-tab component. I'll need to figure out a similar mechanism which triggers checkViewportSize() on tab change.

I did the following workaround as below: On tabChangeAction => I trigger tabChangeAction(index: number) { this.cityTab.onVisible(true); }

In the cityTab component ,if tab is visible, then dispatch resize event to trigger for checkViewportSize. onVisible(flag: boolean) { if (flag) { window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); } }

r-hannuschka commented 5 years ago

@jlowcs first this is a good solution, but i dont see any reason angular cdk not handle this by its own should be a bug / error. If u have multiple Directives / Components or whatever on page which should react on a window resize u have to register multiple Window.Resize Events.

I think it is better to create 1 Resize Event and share this Event through Observable with all who are interested in this. So u will allways have only 1 resize event and this should be better in my opinion.

I create a window resize service for my own projects to register only one listener which will be shared.

And could registered like this, and at this point it is very easy to update cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport

export class MyComponent {

        private windowResize: WindowResize
    ) {

    public ngOnInit() {
            .pipe( takeUntil( this.destroy$ ) )
            .subscribe(() => {
                // window size has changed
KimAlexander commented 5 years ago

Still waiting for official solution

Ploppy3 commented 5 years ago

Reproduction of the problem:

vladjerca commented 5 years ago

We've implemented an extension directive to handle these situations, easily reusable and doesn't require pollution of the parent controller class.

mattcwebster commented 4 years ago

Found a super easy, albeit hacky way to fix this. I've found you don't have to have the exact size of the itemSize property correct, if you change the value when the viewport changes, then it will refresh the number to display... it would be even easier but I had to use setTimeout to avoid the dreaded expression has changed after view checked.


<cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport [itemSize]="itemSize" 


export class VirtualScrollProfilesComponent implements OnInit {

  virtualPersons = [];
  itemSize = 50;

  ngOnInit() {

  private determineItemSize() {
    setTimeout(() => {
      this.itemSize = 50 - this.windowService.boostrapColumns;

   * resize columns on windowResize
   * @param event resize event
  onResize() {

stefanholzapfel commented 4 years ago

My virtual scroll component is sitting inside an expansion panel which changes the size of the viewport independent from the window size.

For everybody else facing that problem:

I ended up using css-element-queries and connecting the CdkVirtualScrollViewport to the ResizeSensor in the AfterViewInit hook. Now the viewport can be rerenderd on any size change, wherever it comes from.

PigBoT commented 4 years ago

@jlowcs's Directive works great to solve the window resizing issue. It, however, doesn't solve the issue when switching tabs when the virtual scrolling component is used in a mat-tab component. I'll need to figure out a similar mechanism which triggers checkViewportSize() on tab change.

I did the following workaround as below: On tabChangeAction => I trigger tabChangeAction(index: number) { this.cityTab.onVisible(true); }

In the cityTab component ,if tab is visible, then dispatch resize event to trigger for checkViewportSize. onVisible(flag: boolean) { if (flag) { window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); } }

Dispatching the 'resize' event is working well for my use case. window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'));

MikeJerred commented 2 years ago

I am running into this issue because my CSS is causing the size to change, thus the window resize event is not fired. I am using a ResizeObserver workaround:

const resized$ = new Subject<void>();
const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(() => resized$.next());

  .pipe(throttleTime(20, undefined, { leading: true, trailing: true }), takeUntil(this.destroyed$))
  .subscribe(() => viewport.checkViewportSize());


this.destroyed$.subscribe(() => resizeObserver.disconnect());

Probably whatever code is causing the viewport to run checkViewportSize when a window resize event happens could be replaced with this.

sokolej79 commented 1 year ago

Any news about this issue? Still not working with mat-tab when tab not active. Items don't resize vertically full height.

malvinpatrick commented 1 year ago

I have tried using cdk virtual port, and I got same issues in Angular 16.1.0. But I found the root cause, it was because the cdk viewport wrapper doesn't work properly image

And in my case, I found another CSS (outsite my component but makes an impact for my current component) that set cdk-virtual-scroll-content-wrapper height to 100%, ::ng-deep .cdk-virtual-scroll-content-wrapper { height: 100%; }

After I delete that CSS, and added checkViewportSize everytime active mat-tab changed into current tab that have cdk viewport this.viewport?.checkViewportSize(); viewport works properly.

WMOH-DEV commented 8 months ago

an issue from 2018 still on and no solutions !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AJ1062910 commented 6 months ago

still no solution ??

AJ1062910 commented 6 months ago

try do this: fromEvent(window, 'resize') .pipe( debounceTime(100), takeUntilDestroyed(), ) .subscribe(() => this.viewportComponent.checkViewportSize());

kaalvoetjaco commented 1 month ago

@jlowcs's Directive works great to solve the window resizing issue. It, however, doesn't solve the issue when switching tabs when the virtual scrolling component is used in a mat-tab component. I'll need to figure out a similar mechanism which triggers checkViewportSize() on tab change.

I modified the directive to also check for visibility changes in the cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport. When a mat-tab is not the active tab all child elements are hidden. Listening for visibility changes when the tab becomes active seems to work well.

import { Directive, ElementRef, Inject, OnDestroy, OnInit, Self } from '@angular/core';
import { debounceTime, fromEvent, Subject, takeUntil } from 'rxjs';
import { CdkVirtualScrollViewport } from '@angular/cdk/scrolling';

  selector: 'cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport-resize-aware',
  standalone: true
export class CdkVirtualScrollViewportHeightAwareDirective implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
  protected readonly destroy$: Subject<void> = new Subject();
  private visibilityObserver!: IntersectionObserver;

    @Self() @Inject(CdkVirtualScrollViewport) private readonly viewportComponent: CdkVirtualScrollViewport,
    private elementRef: ElementRef
  ) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    // Handle window resize events
    fromEvent(window, 'resize')
      .subscribe(() => {
        console.debug('Checking viewport size after window resize');

    this.visibilityObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {
      entries.forEach(entry => {
        if (entry.isIntersecting) {
          console.debug('Element became visible');


  ngOnDestroy() {