angular / components

Component infrastructure and Material Design components for Angular
MIT License
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angular angular-components material material-design

Official components for Angular

npm version Build status Gitter

The Angular team builds and maintains both common UI components and tools to help you build your own custom components. The team maintains several npm packages.

Package Description Docs
@angular/cdk Library that helps you author custom UI components with common interaction patterns Docs
@angular/material Material Design UI components for Angular applications Docs
@angular/google-maps Angular components built on top of the Google Maps JavaScript API Docs
@angular/youtube-player Angular component built on top of the YouTube Player API Docs

Quick links

Documentation, demos, and guides | Frequently Asked Questions | Community Google group | Contributing | StackBlitz Template

Getting started

See our Getting Started Guide if you're building your first project with Angular Material.


If you'd like to contribute, please follow our contributing guidelines. Please see our help wanted label for a list of issues with good opportunities for contribution. You can also use the good first issue label to find issues if you are just starting to contribute to the project.

About the team

The Angular Components team is part of the Angular team at Google. The team includes both Google employees and community contributors from around the globe.

Our team has two primary goals:

What do we mean by "high-quality" components?

Browser and screen reader support

The Angular Components team supports the most recent two versions of all major browsers: Chrome (including Android), Firefox, Safari (including iOS), and Edge.

We aim for great user experience with the following screen readers: