Open yogeshgadge opened 6 years ago
Added class virtual-scroll
to mat-select
<mat-select placeholder="State" class="virtual-scroll">
and add global styles as below:-
In styles.css
.mat-select-panel.virtual-scroll {
max-height: 100% !important;
overflow: inherit !important;
.mat-select-panel .cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport {
max-height: 240px !important;
.mat-select-panel .cdk-virtual-scroll-content-wrapper {
position: inherit !important;
top: inherit !important;
left: 0;
I think the real solution would be that somehow mat-select-panel
ideally starts behaving like cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport
which is what this workaround crudely tries to do in totality by negating scrolling properties of mat-select-panel
and having cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport
take charge.
Not quite the workaround above: The above workaround has problems when the overlay is closed and reopened and scrolled in between.
When scrolled to a few elements down and the select panel is reopened next time we see a blank space above.
This is solved by setRenderedRange
to the initial range which gets set initially on the scrolledIndexChange
Then further when the mat-select emits openedChange
on close we reset the rendered range to the initialRange
that we preserved upfront.
scrolledIndexChange($event) {
if (!this.initialRange) {
this.initialRange = this.cdkVirtualScrollViewport.getRenderedRange();
openedChange(opened) {
if (!opened) {
Another issue with mat-select
(for anyone working on this):-
If the currently selected value is not in the mat-options
the SelectionModel
fails because the world according it is limited to the options
query which may not have this options if it is out of range.
Supplement additional mat-option
in addition to mat-option
that has cdkVirtualScroll
<mat-option *ngIf="selectCtrl?.value" [value]="selectCtrl?.value"></mat-option>
Related to
@yogeshgadge Thanks for posting these findings, good stuff to know.
workarround for mat select using @yogeshgadge s approach with a form control
(css in stylus syntax)
<ng-container *ngIf="isMultiple">
<mat-option class="selected-options-bottom" *ngFor="let option of control.value" [value]="option">{{option.caption}}</mat-option>
<ng-container *ngIf="!isMultiple">
<mat-option class="selected-options-bottom" *ngIf="control.value" [value]="control.value">{{control.value.caption}}</mat-option>
with css:
visibility hidden
position absolute
giving the mat-select a panelClass, e.g. custom-mat-select with
::ng-deep .mat-select-panel.custom-mat-select
overflow hidden
max-width 280px
I just gave the example in the issue desription a quick look - itemSize should be the height of individual items, not the length of the array? Setting a height on the
Also cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport inside a mat-menu doesn't work properly. Sometimes, blank space appears with mouse wheel scrollling. StackBlitz
@StefanoLucchi Same thing happen to me. And when you reopen the menu it's empty
@StefanoLucchi @justindiaw I had the same problem, but helped me increasing minBufferPx and maxBufferPx on cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport to eg. 300 and 600
A slight change to @yogeshgadge's solution and changing the buffers as suggested by @kubex320 solved all the white space issues.
[style.height.px]="numOptionsToShow * optionSizePx"
*cdkVirtualFor="let item of listOptions | async; let index = index"
optionSizePx = 48;
numOptionsToShow = 5;
@ViewChild(CdkVirtualScrollViewport, {static: true})
cdkVirtualScrollViewport: CdkVirtualScrollViewport;
selectedIndex: number;
onOpenedChange(isOpen) {
if (isOpen && this.selectedIndex) {
onSelectionChange(i: number) {
this.selectedIndex = i;
Not quite the workaround above: The above workaround has problems when the overlay is closed and reopened and scrolled in between.
When scrolled to a few elements down and the select panel is reopened next time we see a blank space above.
This is solved by
to the initial range which gets set initially on thescrolledIndexChange
event. Then further when the mat-select emitsopenedChange
on close we reset the rendered range to theinitialRange
that we preserved upfront.
scrolledIndexChange($event) { if (!this.initialRange) { this.initialRange = this.cdkVirtualScrollViewport.getRenderedRange(); } } openedChange(opened) { if (!opened) { this.cdkVirtualScrollViewport.setRenderedContentOffset(0); this.cdkVirtualScrollViewport.setRenderedRange(this.initialRange) } }
Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you. I was wondering why the panel seems to show white div space when scroll in between and close and reopen again.
Thanks to those who shared workarounds - it's very helpful! Anyone got the keyboard navigation (up/down arrow keys to browse through the options) working with virtual scrolling? It doesn't scroll when I use keyboard and I couldn't figure out how to get this working. I'm thinking of implementing custom keyboard event handlers for up/down arrow keys and manually setting the virtual scroll position (or the rendered index), but not sure if it's the best way to do as mat-select already has the keyboard handlers implemented. Would appreciate any inputs on this :)
I had a issue with only seeing a white dropdown after I selected a option and reopened the select. This only happened when I selected an option where I needed to scroll to get to.
I solved it purely in the template and just want to leave this here for reference in case someone else stumbles across this:
It's basically just a combination of a template variable and calling scrollToIndex
on it
<mat-select [formControl]="form" placeholder="State" class="virtual-scroll"
<cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport itemSize="10" #scrollViewport>
<mat-option *cdkVirtualFor="let state of states" [value]="state">
Another smaller issue I saw here was that mat-active is being inappropriately assigned to options in the virtual scrolling component. Using yogeshgadge's stackblitz ( you can see that if you select the first option and then reopen the dropdown and start scrolling down, every 11th or so option will have the mat-active class set on it.
Thanks to those who shared workarounds - it's very helpful! Anyone got the keyboard navigation (up/down arrow keys to browse through the options) working with virtual scrolling? It doesn't scroll when I use keyboard and I couldn't figure out how to get this working. I'm thinking of implementing custom keyboard event handlers for up/down arrow keys and manually setting the virtual scroll position (or the rendered index), but not sure if it's the best way to do as mat-select already has the keyboard handlers implemented. Would appreciate any inputs on this :)
Did you ever figure out a way to do this? I'm currently trying to implement this, but it seems like set scrollToIndex or setRenderedRange stops the next option from being selected/highlighted/focused.
@dickinr I found that all of the solutions above result in a hacky solution. I looked at the source code, but couldn't find a reasonable way of getting the virtual scrolling to work, without rewriting the component. I think it would be best to either create a custom component, or to use a different UI component. Maybe a filtered autocomplete would fit your purposes:
We are using Angular 16 and still facing issue.
If we select an item wich is not in default rendered view range (0 to N), the viewport appears blank until a scroll event.
Is there some news ?
Bug, feature request, or proposal:
What is the expected behavior?
inside a mat-select or mat-autocomplete should align with the overlay panel.What is the current behavior?
When scrolled
does not seem to add more elements and moreover shows a big space from last element of the initial set of items to the end.What are the steps to reproduce?
What is the use-case or motivation for changing an existing behavior?
Occasionally I run into scenarios where the items in the list are too many and makes the page unresponsive.
Seem-less integration of cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport with other components.
mat-select essentially can handle any number of elements when this works.
Which versions of Angular, Material, OS, TypeScript, browsers are affected?
Is there anything else we should know?
Great work