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Question about differences in package installations (NPM package vs from github) #2027

Closed cielo closed 7 years ago

cielo commented 7 years ago

To use one of the latest feature from recent commits that is not part of released versions, I updated my package.json like below.

Old: "@angular/material": "2.0.0-alpha.10",

New: "@angular/material": "angular/material2",

so that my app will use the latest commits from 'angular/material2' github commits.

However, when I change package version like above, and install directly from github, installation directory of material2 is different.

Example old: 'node_modules/@angular/material/snack-bar/snack-bar-config.js' Example new: 'node_modules/material2/src/lib/snack-bar/snack-bar-config.ts'

Is there a way which I can install material2 package with the latest commits, similar to how released version is structured? Do I need to compile typescript files?

fxck commented 7 years ago

That's not how it works. There are no per commit releases and there is no github repo with builds of master.

This is tracked via

cielo commented 7 years ago

I see. Typescript and NPM are new to me so I wasn't sure how they worked. I will subscribe to that issue.

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