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feat(google-maps): Add support for polygonPathsChange event #26303

Open sametcelikbicak opened 1 year ago

sametcelikbicak commented 1 year ago

Feature Description

Hi, old AGM - Angular Google Maps has polygon paths change event and it is so useful. Now I'm converting my components from AGM to google-maps component but it does not support polygon paths change event. It would be great if this component support polygon paths change event like old agm component.

My old implementation

        *ngFor="let shape of shapes"
        [strokeWeight]="shape.zIndex === 1 ? 3 : 1"
        (polyMouseOver)="polyMouseOver($event, shape.shapeName)"
        (polyClick)="polyClick($event, shape)"
        (polyRightClick)="polyRightClick($event, shape)"

New implementation with google-map

        *ngFor="let shape of shapes"
            strokeColor: getColor(shape),
            strokeWeight: shape.zIndex === 1 ? 3 : 1,
            fillColor: getColor(shape),
            fillOpacity: getOpacity(shape),
            zIndex: shape.zIndex,
            editable: shape.editable
        (polygonMouseover)="polyMouseOver($event, shape.shapeName)"
        (polygonClick)="polyClick($event, shape)"
        (polygonRightclick)="polyRightClick($event, shape)"

Use Case

In my use case I control intersection and cover functionality with old component polyPathsChange event, now I can't control them with efficient way so it is super powerful and helpful feature to be when google-map support polygonPathsChange event itself as old component support.

FatihBukusoglu commented 1 year ago

Also having similar issue with transitioning from AGM. Some events from AGM are not supported by google-maps component.

efeaktas commented 1 year ago

I have also same problem. Please, make it supported.