angular / components

Component infrastructure and Material Design components for Angular
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bug(mat-sort-header) 'mat-sort-header' adds white space at the bottom of the page #28859

Closed hanlingczhong closed 1 month ago

hanlingczhong commented 1 month ago


I have used toolbar and sidebar for the navigation. And in the sidebar-content I have the 'router-outlet'.

Now on one of the pages, I use the Material Table there. The table itself works fine but if I add the mat-sort-header to the header th, it will create white space at the bottom of the page for some reason. And I don't think this is a style issue as it only appears if I use 'mat-sort-header'. Other things like pagination/filtering don't create this white space.


Does anyone experience the same issue?


crisbeto commented 1 month ago

Your theme is likely missing the mat.core mixin.

hanlingczhong commented 1 month ago

Your theme is likely missing the mat.core mixin.

Thank you this is the issue.

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