angular / components

Component infrastructure and Material Design components for Angular
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fix(material/divider): non-text color contrast issues #28995

Open DBowen33 opened 2 weeks ago

DBowen33 commented 2 weeks ago

Fixes color contrast issues with non-text elements, including divider. Changed from "outline-variant" to "outline" colors to pass 3:1 ratio between light/dark mode backgrounds. Also changing for expansion, stepper, and table so they can also pass not-text color contrast.

Before (Light mode): FG- #c4c6d0 (neutral-variant80) BG- #fff Ratio: 1.70:1 Screenshot: image

After (Light mode): FG- #747775 (neutral-variant50) BG- #fff Ratio: 4.52:1 Screenshot: image

Before (Dark mode): FG- #44474E (neutral-variant30) BG- #1f1f1f Ratio: 1.77:1 Screenshot: image

After (Dark mode): FG- #8e9099 (neutral-variant60) BG- #1f1f1f Ratio: 5.17:1 Screenshot: image

Fixes b/291964002

andrewseguin commented 1 week ago

Unfortunately the spec explicitly states that it does not account for contrast ratios for the divider. Whether we go with outline or some slightly less-contrasty color, I think it's going to look strange at a the minimum 3:1 ratio. This one is a bit out of our hands unless we want to revise this to be a different palette color than outline.

To make this a little more acceptable, can we update the list demo's outline color to match this value? It does look weird that the list outline is so much lighter than the divider

DBowen33 commented 1 week ago

Unfortunately the spec explicitly states that it does not account for contrast ratios for the divider. Whether we go with outline or some slightly less-contrasty color, I think it's going to look strange at a the minimum 3:1 ratio. This one is a bit out of our hands unless we want to revise this to be a different palette color than outline.

To make this a little more acceptable, can we update the list demo's outline color to match this value? It does look weird that the list outline is so much lighter than the divider

Changed border color in demo list to match mat-divider color so it looks visually better

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

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